Prof. Dr. Arzu Gönenç Sorguç

B.S., M.S., Ph.D., METU (Department of Mechanical Engineering); Post Doctoral Studies Tokyo Institute of Technology.
room: 65 phone: (210) 2232 

Fields of interest: acoustics and noise control, computational design and fabrication technologies, biomimetics and computing, structural systems and design, environmental technologies, generative systems



As of August 2013 



2008- / Present, Assoc. Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Ankara.

2009-/ Present, and Program Coordinator of METU TU Delft International Joint Master of Science Computational Design and Fabrication Technologies in Architecture

2007 – 2010 Vice Chairperson, Department of Architecture, METU, Ankara.

2001--2008 Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, METU, Ankara.

1998-2001 Instructor, Department of Architecture, METU, Ankara.

1989-1997 Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, METU, Ankara.

1997-2012 in occasions, Visiting Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.

1998 Post Doctoral Studies, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.

1997-February, Doctor of Philosophy, Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, METU, Ankara.

1991- February, Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, METU, Ankara.

1988 -June, Bachelor of Science, Department of Mechanical Engineering, METU, Ankara.



2013 METU Incentive Premium for Performance

2006 METU Incentive Premium for Performance

2000 METU Incentive Premium for Performance

2000 Centennial fellowship of Tokyo Institute of Technology.



1996-1997 Technical University of Delft by NATO scholarship during her PhD studies

1998-2012 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Postdoc studies and after in several occasions. (2008 VBL Fellowship of Japan Science Foundation, 2002, 2003 VBL Fellowship of Japan Science Foundation, 2000 Centennial fellowship of Tokyo Institute of Technology,1998, 1999 Tokyo Institute of Technology Fellowship)



2013-BS 770 Digital Fabrication,  METU, Department of Architecture.

2012-Present, Arch 439 History of Modern Structures, METU, Department of Architecture.

2010-2011 Arch 332 Structural Design II (with Halis Günel), METU, Department of Architecture.

2009-Present, ARCD 501, Computational Design Studio (with İpek Gürsel Dino (since 2012)) METU, Department of Architecture.

2009-Present, ARCD 511, Research in Computational Design (with İpek Gürsel Dino (since 2012)) METU, Department of Architecture.

2008-Present, Arch 361 Integration of Building Systems in Architectural Design for Environmental Control, METU, Department of Architecture.

2007-Present, Arch 479 Acoustics of Performance Halls, METU, Department of Architecture.

2007-2011 Arch 232 Structural Anaysis, (with Joseph Kubin), METU, Department of Architecture.

2007-2011 Arch 231 Statics, (with Joseph Kubin), METU, Department of Architecture.

2007-2010 IS 100 Introduction to Programming, (with Mine Özkar), METU, Department of Architecture.

2006-Present, Arch 333 Mathematics in Architecture, METU, Department of Architecture.

2006-Present, Arch 475, Digital Design Studio II (with first Şebnem Yalınay Çinici, then Mine Özkar, and 2012-İpek Gürsel Dino) METU, Department of Architecture.

2004-Present, Arch 470, Digital Design Studio I (with first Şebnem Yalınay Çinici, then Mine Özkar, and 2012-İpek Gürsel Dino) METU, Department of Architecture.

2003-Present, Arch 381, Environmental Systems I (with Levent Tosun, Ethem Özbakır) METU, Department of Architecture.

2002-March-September, Introdction to Finite Element Analysis, Tokyo Institute Of Technology, japan

2000-June-August, Modal Analysis in Acosutics, Tokyo Institute Of Technology, japan



2013-May, Tesisat Gürültüsü ve Kontrolu, Turk tesisat Muhendisleri Odası, Ankara.

2012-Mart, Computation and Biomimetics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, japan.

2011-March, Sürüdürülebilirlik ve Mimarlık Eğitimi, Mimarlar Odası Ankara.

2011-February, Akustik Temel Eğitimi, Mimarlar Odası Ankara.

2010-July, Çevre Yönetimi ve Gürültü Denetimi Paneli, İstanbul.

2009-Seminars on ‘Çevresel Gürültünün Ölçümü ve Değerlendirilmesi’ Fizik Mühendisleri Odası, Ankara, İstanbul.

2008-Modeling as a Manufacturing Inteface, Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, 2008.

2007- Mimarlıkta Sayısal Modelleme, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi,  İstanbul.

2005-Mimarlıkta Matematik, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul

2003-Development of 3-D Mock-up for Auto CAD systems, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Collaboration Engineering Laboratory, Japan.

2002-Design of Origamic Loudspeakers, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.

2000-Sightline Optimization Techniques, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2000, Japan.

2000-Eyesight Design of Opera Houses, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Collaboration Engineering Laboratory, Japan.

1999-Arzu Gonenc Sorguc(TIT/METU), Development of Efficient Method for Interior Coupled Noise Problem of Large Structure, Special lecture in Research Center of NISSAN Motor Company(1999.3.24)

1999-Temel Akustik Kavramlar ve Uygulama Prensipleri, ; MESA Mesken Konut Sanayi, Turkey.

1998-Konutlarda Gürültü Denetimi; MESA Mesken Konut Sanayi Turkey.

1993-Chaos Theory And Chaotic Acoustical Systems, Department of Mechanical Engineering METU.

1992-A Review On Acoustics And Noise Control Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering METU.

1991-Theory Of Active Noise Control And Basic Fields Of Application Department of Mechanical Engineering METU.

1990-Method Of Characteristics And Solution Of Pressure Distribution Inside An Infinitely Long Open Ended Pipe By Method Of Characteristics, Department of Mechanical Engineering METU.


International – Chapter in a Book

2013-February, Flexibility in Architectural Education, Cambridge Scholars Publications,  Isbn13: 978-1-4438-4265-5, Editor: Beyhan Bolak Hisarligil, Sevgi Lokce and Oktay Turan.


International Publications— Books

2010 –February Arslan S., Gönenç Sorguç A.,"A Parametric Approach to Biomimesis: A Proposal for a NOn-Dimensional Parametric Interface Design in Architecture", LAP Lambert Academic  Publishing.

2013-April Çaglar Firat Özgenel , Arzu Gönenç Sorguç, “New Room Acoustics Tool for Architects: RAT (Room Acoustics Tool)”, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.


International Publications – Journals (Refereed and Indexed)

2013-June,  Gönenç Sorguç, A., Arslan Selçuk, S., “Learning/Modeling/Understanding Architecture through Non-Dimensional Thinking: Simitude or Similarity”, Nexus Mathematics in Architecture DOI 10.1007/s00004-013-0150-z,

2011-December, Erdoğan E., Gönenç Sorguç, A., ‘ Hesaplamalı Modeller Aracılığıyla Mimari ve Doğal Biçim Üretim İlkelerini İlişkilendirmek’ METU Journal of Architecture, 28:2, p.269-281, 2011(2).

2011-December, Özgenel F., Gönenç Sorguç, A., ‘Sayısal Ortamda Tasarımın Deneyimlenmesi için Arayüzlerin Geliştirilmesi: Bir Ön Tasarım Parametresi Olarak Ses’, METU Journal of Architecture, 28:2, p.248-253, 2011(2).

2009-June, Faucard B., Gönenç Sorguç A., Magoules F., Hagiwara I., “Refining technique for multilevel graph k-partitioning and its application on domain decomposition non overlapping Schwarz technique for urban acoustic pollution”, Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology, pp.17-27, June, Vol.28, No.6.

2009-December, Gönenç Sorguç A., Hagiwara I., Arslan S., “Origamics in Architecture: A Medium of Inquiry for Design in Architecture", METU Journal of Architecture, 26:2, p.235-247, 2009(2).

2009-Arslan S., Gönenç Sorguç A.," Altın Oranla Tasarlmak: Doğada, Mimarlıkta ve Yapısal Tasarımda Φ Dizini"  Trakya Univ J Sci, 10(2):149-157.

2007-June, Arslan S., Gönenç Sorguç A., ‘Mimari Tasarım Paradigmasında Biomimesis’in Etkisi’, Gazi Mimarlık Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol.22, No.2 pp.451-460.

2005-February, W. Cheng (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Gönenç Sorguç A., (Middle East Technical University), J.Shinoda (Tokyo Institute of Technology), I. Hagiwara (Tokyo Institute of Technology), The Maximum Opposite Angulation for Mesh Construction, Journal of Japan Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JSIAM), Vol.22, No. 1, p. 21-44.

2006-Gönenç Sorguç A., ‘The Evolving Role of Mathematics in Designing in Digital Medium’ Nexus Architecture and

Mathematics, Kim Williams Books, pp. 47-56, 2006.

2005-Spring Gönenç Sorguç A., ‘Teaching Mathematics in Architecture’, Nexus Journal special issue on didactics, Vol 7, No.1, pp. 119-124.

2005-June Gönenç Sorguç A., ‘Role of System Architecture in Developing New Drafting Tools’, Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers International Journal, Special Issue: The Latest Frontiers of CAD/CAE/CG, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 244-250.


National and International Refereed Conferences, Symposiums  

2012-July, Özgenel F., Gönenç Sorguç, A., “A New Method Of Curve Fitting For Calculating Reverberation Time From Impulse Responses With Insufficient Length”, Internoise 2012 New York City.

2011-June, Gönenç Sorguç, A., Cakıcı Z., New Level of Precision in Architecture, the 2 nd International Symposium on Computing in Science & Engineering (ISCSE 2011), Gediz University the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Kuşadası, Aydýn, 1-4 June 2011.

2011-September,  Gönenç Sorguç, A., Selçuk, S.A., Çakıcı, F.Z., Computer Simulation as an Integral Part of Digital Design Education in Architecture, Education and Research in Computer Aided Archtectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2011), University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 21-24.

2010-June, Gönenç Sorguç, A., Arslan Selçuk, S., A Sustainable Transformation on Construction Process: From Scale Models To The End Product 1st International Conference of Sustainable Life In Manufacturing  (SLIM 2010), Isparta, 24-26 June 2010.

2009-May, Gönenç Sorguç A., “Sürdürülebilirlik için Performatif Mimarlık”, Ekolojik Yapı Tasarımı, Malzeme, Teknoloji ve Çevre Sempozyumu, 7-8 Mayis 2009, TMMOB İstanbul.

2009-May, Gönenç Sorguç A., Özkar M., Uçar B., Arslan S., “Planing Curriculum Elements For an Integration of Digital Design Knowledge to Design Thinking”, MİMED Mayıs 2009, Kayseri.

2009-July, Gönenç Sorguç A., “Bilgisayarak Öğrenmek, Bilgisayarla Öğrenmek”, 16. Sosyal Psikiyatri Kongresi, p. 120-123, 4-8 Temmuz 2009, Safranbolu.

2009-September, Gönenç Sorguç A., Arslan S., “Art and Literature as a Teaching/Learning Interface of Mathematics for Students of Architecture, ECAADE 2009 September  2009, pp. 465-472, Istanbul.

2009-September, Arslan S., Gönenç Sorguç A., Exploring Complex Forms in Nature through Mathematical 2009-September, Modeling: A Case of Turritella Terebra, ECAADE 2009, September  2009, pp. 665-672,  Istanbul.

2009-October, Gönenç Sorguç A., Arslan S., “Sürdürülebilirlik için Performatif Mimarlık”, Uluslararası Ekolojik Mimarlık ve Planlama Sempozyumu, pp. 132-136, Antalya Türkiye, Ekim 2009.

2009-October, Çakıcı Z., Gönenç Sorguç A., Kısıtlayıcı Değil, Hedef Direktifler”, Uluslararası Ekolojik Mimarlık ve Planlama Sempozyumu, pp. 144-149, Antalya Türkiye, Ekim 2009.

2007-March, Gönenç Sorguç A., ‘Gulliver’dan Greg Lynn’e Mimarlikta Matematik’, Mimarlık Eğitiminde Bütünleşik Yaklaşımlar, Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarım  Sempozyumu, 23 Mart 2007, ODTÜ, Ankara.

Arslan S., Gönenç Sorguç A., ‘Ekolojik Mimarlık Çalışmalarında doğanın En İyi Fikirlerinden Öğrenmek’, 2007-April, Ekolojik Mimarlık ve Planlama Sempozyumu, pp. 147-151, 27-28 Nisan 2007 Antalya

2006-June, Gönenç Sorguç A., Arslan S., ‘Yapay Zeka Araştırmaları ve Biomimesis Kavramlarının Günümüzde Mimarlık Alanındaki Uygulamaları: Akıllı Mekanlar’, Yapı ve Kentte Bilişim IV. Kongresi, pp.75-80, Haziran 2006.

February-2005, W. Cheng (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Gönenç Sorguç A., (Middle East Technical University), J.Shinoda (Tokyo Institute of Technology), I. Hagiwara (Tokyo Institute of Technology), The

2004-April, Arslan S., Gönenç Sorguç, A., ‘Biomimesis in Architecture: Inspiration for Next Generation Po®table Buildings’, Transportable Environments 3 Conference, pp. 200,  April 8, 2004, Toronto Canada.

2004-June, Arslan S., Gönenç Sorguç A., ‘Similarities Between Structures in Nature and Man-Made Structures: biomimesis in architecture’, Design and Nature Conference II, pp.45-55., June 2004, Rodos, Greece.

2004-June, W. Cheng (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Gönenç Sorguç A., (Middle East Technical University), J.Shinoda (Tokyo Institute of Technology), I. Hagiwara (Tokyo Institute of Technology), MOAA and Topology Judgement for Mesh Construction, ASME/JSME Pressure Vessels snd Piping Conference: Computer Technology and Applications, PVP Vol. 482, pp.238., June 2004.

2003-November, Kakuuchi, H., Gönenç Sorguç, A, Hagiwara, I., ‘The Design of radiation of Sound  of Structure’  the 16 th Computational Mechanics Conference, pp.1015-1017, November 2003.

2002-November, O.Egorova (Tokyo Institute of Technology), A.G. Sorguc (Middle East Technical University, Ankara-Turkey), I.Hagiwara (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Automatic Mesh Enhancement by Control of Aspect Ratio, the 15 th Computational Mechanics Conference, pp.731-732, November 2002.

2002-November, O. Egorova, A.Gonenc, M.Savchenko, J.Shinoda and I. Hagiwara, "Study on Precision of Mesh Enhancement", In Proceedings of the 16th Computational Mechanics Conference of JSME, pp. 1021-1022, Kobe, Japan, Nov. 2003

2002-Octoober, A.Gönenç Sorguc (Middle East Technical University, Ankara-Turkey), O.Egorova (Tokyo Institute of Technology), I.Hagiwara (Tokyo Institute of Technology), An Aspect Ratio Controlled New Mesh Enhancement Method Based on Statistical Mathematics, the 5 th Optimization Conference, pp.235-240, October 2002.

2002-September, A.Gönenç Sorguc (Middle East Technical University, Ankara-Turkey), O.Egorova (Tokyo Institute of Technology), I.Hagiwara (Tokyo Institute of Technology), A Method for Obtaining the Optimum Mesh for Sound and Vibration, JSME Dynamic and Design Conference, September 2002.

2002-September, A.Gönenç Sorguc (Middle East Technical University, Ankara-Turkey), H.Takahashi (Nissan Motor Car Company), I.Hagiwara (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Simulation of Car Cruise from Motion History, Proceedings of The 2002 annual conference of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics JSIAM2002 (Japan, Tokyo, September 19-21, 2002).

2002-September, A.Gönenç Sorguc (Middle East Technical University, Ankara-Turkey), O.Egorova (Tokyo Institute of Technology), I.Hagiwara (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Distribution Control of Aspect Ratios and Automatic Generation of Surface Meshes, JSIAM Anniversary Conference, September 2002.

2002-July, A.Gönenç Sorguc (Middle East Technical University, Ankara-Turkey), Development of Automatic Mesh Enhancement Based on Monte Carlo Simulation, JSME Advanced Meeting, July 2002.

1999-Arzu Gonenc(TIT/METU), Modeling of Sound Fields Inside Acoustically-Structurally Coupled Fields by A Combined Method/Part II, Research Committee of DDM Sponsored by JSIAM(1999.2.20).

1999-October, Arzu Gonenc Sorguc (Middle East Technical University, Ankara-Turkey), Ichiro Hagiwara(Tokyo Institute of Technology: TIT),Qinzhong Shi(TIT) and Junichi Shinoda(TIT),Effect of Source Posıtıon on the Sound Fıelds Insıde Acoustıcally Structurally Coupled Enclosed Spaces Usıng Holographıc Neural Network, The 12th  DDM International Conference(1999.10).

1999-October, Arzu Gonenc Sorguc(Middle East Technical University, Ankara-Turkey) , Ichiro Hagiwara(Tokyo Institute of Technology: TIT), Mehmet Caliskan(Middle East Technical University) and Junichi Shinoda(TIT), Analysıs of Sound Fıelds Insıde Acoustıcally Structurally Coupled Enclosed Spaces Based on Acoustıc-Elastıcıty, The 12th  DDM International Conference(1999.10).

1999-March, A.Gönenç Sorguc, I.Hagiwara and M. Caliskan, Study Of Inside Coupled Noise Reduction Under The Presence of Helmholtz Resonators, Proceedings of Dynamics and Design Conference'99 of JSME,(1999-3), pp707-710.

1999-March, A. Gonenc Sorguc,  I.Hagiwara, Q. Shi and Mehmet Caliskan: The Effect of Sound Source Position in The Coupled System Response and Shaping The Coupled Field by Optimizing The Source Position, Proceedings of Dynamics and Design Conference'99 of JSME,(1999-3),pp207-209.

1999 January, Arzu Gonenc Sorguc(TIT/METU) and I. Hagiwara(TIT), Modeling of sound fields inside acousitcally-structurally coupled fields by a combined method, Symposium of Computation Mechanics and Domain Decomposition Methods, Sponsored by Japanese Ministry of Education and Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences of Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (January 18--20, 1999).

1999-January, Arzu Gonenc Sorguc(Middle East Technical University Dept. of Architecture, Ankara-Turkey) The Effect of Helmholtz Resonators in Acoustoelastically Coupled Enclosed Spaces, and a Comparison Between Resonators and Absorptive Materials in the Coupled System Response, Research Committee on Next-Generation CAD &Modeling Technique in order to Realize Concurrent Design & Development of JSME(1999.1.29).

1998-December, Arzu Gonenc(TIT/METU),Development of High/Efficient Performance for Coupled Structural and Acousty Problem, First Conference of Virtual Design/Manufacturing Group of TIT VBL(1998.12.25)

1998-December, Arzu Gonenc Sorguc(METU),Reshaping of Sound Fields Inside Acoustoelastically Coupled Enclosed Spaces By Helmholtz Resonators, Research Committee on Next-Generation CAD &Modeling Technique in order to Realize Concurrent Design & Development of JSME(1998.12.1).

1999-March, A. Gönenç Sorguc, I. Hagiwara and M.Caliskan: Analysis of Sound Fields Inside Acoustically-structurally Coupled Enclosed Spaces Excited by Structural and/or Acoustical Means; Proceedings of TITech COE/Super Mechano-Systems Workshop '99 (1999-3), pp.324-331.

1998-February, A.Gönenç Sorguc, M.Caliskan, ‘Active Minimization of Acoustic Potential Energy Inside Acoustoelastically Coupled Enclosed Spaces’, proceedings of the Australasian Conference on Structural Optimization, February 11, 1998, pp.621-627, Sydney-Australia.

1992-March, A. Gönenç, M. Çaliskan, Analysis of forced acoustic fields inside structurally coupled cavitiesproceedings of Second International Congress on Air and Structure Borne Sound and Vibration, ALABAMA-USA, pp.651-658, March 1992

1993-September,  A. Gönenç, M. Çaliskan, Active minimization of acoustic potential energy inside structurally coupled enclosures: an analytical approach, proceedings of Inter-noise 93, LEUVEN-BELGIUM, pp.785-788.


National Publications –  Journals and Magazines (with Editorial Board)

2012-April, Gönenç Sorguç, A.,  “Matematiğin Mimarlığı, Mimarlıkta Matematik”, Arredemento Mimarlık Sayı 256, p. 67-72,  Nisan 2012.

2010-Spring, Gönenç Sorguç A., "Mimarlıkta Sayısal Teknolojilerin Kullanımı: Yeni Teknolojiler ve Hibridleşen Malzemeler", Mimarlıkta  Malzeme Dergisi, pp. 41-46, Year  5, No 15,  Spring 2010.

2009-May, Gönenç Sorguç A., “Doğadaki Süreçleri Anlamak İçin Bir Arayüz: Sayısal Teknolojiler, Sayısal Düşünme ve Tasarlama”, Arredamento Mayıs 2009.

1989-A. Gönenç Sorguç, M. Çaliskan, Sesin sesle etkin denetimi üzerine yayin taramasi, Tubitak Doğa Dergisi, 1989.


Refereeing, Scientific Comitees– Journals, Conferences and Academic Competitions

2014-Nexus mathematics in Architecture, Sceintific Comitee

2014-ICLAUD, Scientific Comitee.

2012-ICLAUD, Scientific Comitee.

2011-The 2nd International Symposium on Computing in Science & Engineering (2nci Uluslararasi Temel Bilimler ve Mühendislikte Hesaplamalar Sempozyumu) (ISCSE 2011) Sceintific Comitee.

2010-The 1st International Symposium on Computing in Science & Engineering (1nci Uluslararasi Temel Bilimler ve Mühendislikte Hesaplamalar Sempozyumu) (ISCSE 2010) Sceintific Comitee.

2008-ITU BAP Project Evaluation, "Türkiye'de Farkli Gürültü Bölgelerindeki Konutlar, Refeeing.

2007- Present, Journal of Faculty of Architecture, Refereeing

2007-April, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlik Fakültesi Dergisi, Refeeing.

2006-Nexus Mathematics and Architecture Journal Refeeing.

2005-CIB Student Conference, Scientific Comitee.

2004-NEXUS Journal, Didactics Special Issue, Refeeing.


Research Projects

September 2013-Tokyo Meiji University, Tokyo Shibuya Station and District BEM and VR Model upcoming

2013- İstanbul Modern, Yeni Mimarlık Programı “Speaker”,  finalist, Design Group: Evren Başbuğ, İnanç Eray, Meriç Kara Acoustic Project Consultancy.

June 2013- METU CAMPUS Vertical and Horizontal Noise Mapping, BAP – 08- 11- DPT.2013K120500-3.

2012-Türk Telekom Çağrı Merkezi Gürültü Azaltımı, 2012-02-01-1-0011.

2012-Noise Control of Yunus Emre Power Plant, “Yunus Emre Elektrik Santralı Kaplama Detayının Ses Yalıtımı Değerlendirmesi”, 2012-02-01-1-0003

2010, ‘Acoustical Design of Tevfik Fikret Lisesi Yeni Bina Konser Salonu’,Project Consultancy Ankara.

2010-2011, ‘Acoustical Design of Astana Media Center’ Project Consultancy.

2010-2011, ‘Acoustical Design of Fatih Yeni Kapı Culture Center’ Project Consultancy

2009 ‘Development of Computational Design Interface’, BAP-02-01-2009-01.

2008 ‘Evaluation of Anechoic Room for Medical Testing on Hearing Impairements’, Ankara University, Medical School.

2008-2009 ‘Acoustical Design of New York State University, Abu Dabi, Project.

2007-2008 ‘Development and Integration of Turkish Consruction Platform to European Union Construction Platform (Türk Yapı Sektörü' nün Avrupa Birliği Ülkelerindeki Yapı Sektörleri ile Karşılaştırılması ve Avrupa Birliği Uyum Sürecinde Sektörün Entegrasyonu için Model Geliştirilmesi, BAP-2007-02-01-02.

2006-2007 ‘Osman Gazi Üniversitesi, Kültür ve Kongre Merkezi Kompleksi, Akustik Tasarımı’ Project.

2005-2006 ‘Use of Wind Energy in High Rise Buildings (Yüksek Binalarda Rüzgar Enerjisi Kullanımı)  TÜBİTAK Project Consultancy.

2005-2006 ‘Mimarlık Fakültesi Bilişim Alt Yapısını Destekleme Projesi’, BAP 2005-02-01-04.

2007 Faculty of Architecture MATPUM Building Mechanical Systems Consultancy.

2005-March ‘CHP Yeni Binası Akustik Tasarımı’,  Project.

2004-April ‘Patent Enstitüsü Akustik Tasarımı’ Project.

2004-2007, ‘Biomimesis Kavramıyla Mimarlıkta Yeni Nesil Teknoloji Hafif Taşıyıcı Sistemlerin Araştırılması’, ÖYP Project.

2004-January-June, ‘Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Kıbrıs Kampüsü Amfi Akustik Tasarımı’.

1997-1998  ‘Kapalı Mekanların Akustik Özelliklerinin Bilgisayar Benzetisimli Modellenmesi’, AFP Project-97-02-01-07.


Organizations — Conferences, Seminars, Exhibitions and Workshops               

2014-June, Coming International Congress of NEXUS Mathematics of Architecture

2013-May, Aggreagated Workshop.

2012-May, Fabric Forms

2012-November İKSV 3 Millimetres - 3 Metres – 3 Kilometres

2011- December 6-9, Parametric Design Workshop.

2007-JuneTYTP Pro Launch Conference Organization and keynote Speaker.

2007-November ECTP Conference  ‘Turkish Construction Platform’, 19-20, 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

2002-JACM (Japan Association for Computational Mechanics), Minisymposia organized at WCCM6 Beijing, New Methods Developed for CAD/CAE Systems, Ichiro HAGIWARA(,Zheng-Dong MA(,   Arzu Gonenc Sorguc.


Thesis Completed   

2013-February, Fatma Zehra Çakıcı “Proposal of an Interactive Interface Guiding Design of Buildings Considering Energy as the Performance Criterion”, Ph.D.

2012-February, Fırat Özgenel,  Developing a Tool for Acoustical Performance Evaluation Throughout the Design,

2012-February , Elif Erdoğan , The Common Computational Principles in Biological and Architectural Form Generations, M.Sc., ,

2011-February, Gonca Yıldırım, Performance Halls and Their Acoustical Performance in Early Republic Period: Three Cases Resim Heykel Müzesi, Küçük Tiyatro,  Opera”,  M.Sc.,  Gonca Yıldırım, February 2009-2011.

2009-February, , Semra Arslan The Relation Between Nature and Architecture: A Mathematical Point of View to Biomimesis, Ph.D.

2008-January, Bahadır Çalışkan, Controlling Noise in Shoping Malls, the Sound in Dining Area and Circulation Gallery, M.Sc., 

2008-June, Sevda Özkan, The Way Architectural Design Talks with Machines, M.Sc.

2006-June, Tansu Yılmaz, Design of Reflectors for Concert Halls, M.Sc.

2003-June, Mehmet Şaşmaz, Relation Between Surface Topology and Sound Propagation: Urban System Models, M.Sc.

2001-February, Konca Şaher, Sightline Optimization and Computer Simulation, M.Sc.

1999-July, , Özgür Çakır, A study on Out-Door Sound Propagation: A Computer Implementation to Predict Sound Pressure Level in Open-Air, (Co-Supervisor), M.Sc.