We kindly invite you to the second workshop organized in the framework of the joint research project entitled “PROT3CT │ PROcesses for sustainable retrofit of Traditional dwellings in Turkey for Climate-resilience, Conservation, and ComforT”.
PROT3CT is a joint British Council-TUBITAK funded Newton Institutional Links project. The team includes the UCL CEGE and IEDE, UK Centre for Moisture in Buildings (UKCMB), Sustainable Traditional Buildings Alliance (STBA), Middle East Technical University (METU), Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation, and the leading heritage NGO and conservation experts network, KOR-DER. The project will bring together major stakeholders of energy efficiency and heritage conservation with a number of intersectoral capacity building and consultation workshops. The specific objectives of PROT3CT are to:
-identify cost-effective packages of improvement options to enhance energy performance of traditional dwelling typologies in Turkey,
-help increase awareness of residents, custodians of heritage, policymakers and academia of climate resiliency, and
-provide knowledge exchange to establish sustainable impact and collaborative links.
The workshop will be held online through Zoom on 8 March 2021 Monday between 10-12 UK time (13-15 TR time & 12-13 CET).
Please register through the QR code on the poster or via: https://ucl.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_C8OUd5RFQkyGnlUDeIYfCg
click here for the program.