Betül Aktaş Sulayıcı
B.Arch., METU room: 315 phone: (210) 6233 
Fields of interest: sustainability indicators for buildings, performance analysis, off-site construction, prefabricated housing, industrialized building systems
Caner Arıkboğa
B.Arch., M.Arch., METU room: 414 phone: (210) 7287 
Fields of interest: theory of architecture, planetary urbanization, architecture and city, logistics landscape
Gizem Nur Aydemir [on leave]
B.Arch., M.Sc., METU room: 407 phone: (210) 6209 
Fields of interest: sustainability in built environment, renewable energy for buildings, energy retrofits, building refurbishments, energy efficiency analytics
Elif Bekar
B. Arch., Gazi University; M.Arch., METU room: 414 phone:(210) 7287 
Fields of interest: design in historical context, design methods, architecture and representation
Elif Bilge
B.Arch., Kocaeli University; M.A., METU room: 405 phone: (210) 6204
Field of interest: ancient domestic architecture, ancient Anatolia, ancient Greece, domestic architecture and daily life in antiquity
Yusuf Bera Bilici
B.Arch., M.Sc., Gazi University
room: 427 phone: (210) - 
Fields of interest: architectural criticism, architectural theory and ethics, architectural design
Mustafa Eren Bük
B.Arch., M.Arch., METU
room: 409 phone: (210) - 
Fields of interest: modular design, user integration in design, user persona, virtual environments, serious games
Seda Cengiz, PhD
B.Arch., İzmir University of Economics; M.Arch., ITU; Ph.D., İzmir Institute of Technology room: 423 phone: (210) 6217 
Fields of interest: conservation of cultural heritage, traditional rural architecture, conservation of timber frame building techniques, sustaining cultural memory, cultural landscapes, traditional building techniques, historic buildings and sites
Ayça Nilüfer Çalıkuşu
B.Arch., SU; M.Arch., METU room: 409 phone: (210) - 
Fields of interest: sustainability, sustainable development, higher education, architectural design studio, curriculum, architectural education
Ayşen Çerşil
B.Arch., Çankaya University; M.Arch., METU
room: 425 phone: (210) 6217 
Fields of interest: social sustainability, collective housing, traditional Turkish houses, typological studies
Meltem Çetiner
B. Arch. Gazi University; M.Sc., METU room: 423 phone: (210) 6217 
Fields of interest: cultural heritage conservation, archaeological sites, interpretation and presentation of archaeological sites, universal design, accessibility, human rights of people with disabilities
Gökçe Nihan Demirel
B.Arch., M.Sc., METU room: 313 phone: (210) 6212 
Fields of interest: structural design, tall buildings
Bengisu Derebaşı
B.Arch., M.Arch., METU room: 403 phone: (210) 6230 
Fields of interest: architectural representation, architecture and language, print culture
İrem Diker Gökçe
B.Arch., M.Sc., METU
room: 423 phone: (210) - 
Fields of interest: conservation of cultural heritage, rural heritage
Simay Cansu Ekici
B.Arch., M.Sc., METU room: 315 phone: (210) 6233 
Fields of interest: architectural conservation, industrial heritage, conservation of modern architecture, social sustainability
Melis Erdem
B.Arch., Bilkent University; M.Arch., METU room: 427 phone: (210) - 
Fields of interest: architectural representation, visual language, temporal image, spatial narrative, embodied perception, architecture promenade, urban culture, metropolitan life, architectural theory and criticism
Kübra Nesrin Erdoğan
B.Arch., M.A., METU room: 405 phone: (210) 6204 
Fields of interest: post-war italian architecture, gender studies and feminism, history of modern architecture, representation in architectural historiography
Serda Buket Erol
[Research Assistant Representative]
B.Arch., M.Arch., METU room: 406 phone: (210) - 
Fields of interest: architectural theory and history, urban design, public spaces, social equity
Beste Fakıoğlu Gedik [on leave]
B.Arch., M.Sc., METU room: 427 phone: (210) - 
Fields of interest: tall buildings, structural systems, built environment
Gizem Güner, PhD
B.Sc., Bilkent University; M.A., Ph.D., METU room: 405 phone: (210) 6204 
Fields of interest: urban design, gender studies, architectural historiography, narrated spaces, architecture and literature
Bilge Alp Güney, PhD
room: - phone: - (210) -  Fields of interest:
Dilara Güney
B.Arch., M.Arch., METU room: 406 phone:(210) - 
Fields of interest: building performance, building information modeling, machine learning-based energy simulations, GIS-based simulation visualization
Nadide Gür
B.Arch., Gazi University; M.Arch., METU room: 414 phone:(210) 7287 
Fields of interest: architectural design, computational design, spatial perception, generative design, neuro-architecture
Fisun Güven
room:- phone:(210) - 
Fields of interest:
Tuğçe Halıcı
B.Arch., M.Sc., METU
room: 315 phone: (210) 6233 
Fields of interest: conservation of cultural heritage, disaster risk management of cultural heritage, vulnerability assessment, disaster risk management of cultural heritage, climate change adaptation
Elif Kaymaz
B.Arch., M.Arch., METU room: 323 phone: (210) - 
Fields of interest: architecture and the city in late Ottoman Empire and Turkey, planning history, cinema studies, digital humanities, entangled modernities, urban rituals, spaces and practices of moving image exhibition, urban demolition/destruction, actor-network theory
Nihan Büşra Kezer
B.Arch., Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi; M.Arch., METU room: 414 phone: (210) 7287 
Fields of interest: architectural design, housing and culture, spatial perception, history of modern architecture, Turkish architecture in the republican period
Elif Miray Kısaer
B.Arch. TOBB ETU; M.Sc. METU room: 423 phone: (210) 6217 
Fields of interest: architectural conservation, cultural heritage management, conservation of modern heritage
Sinan Cem Kızıl, PhD, [on leave]
B.Arch., M.Arch., Ph.D., METU room: 414 phone: (210) 7287
Fields of interest: architectural design and theory, philosophy, territoriality, urban form, social and political theory
Nilüfer Kızılkaya Öksüz, PhD
B.Arch., M.Sc., Ph.D., METU room: 313 phone:(210) 6212 
Fields of interest: development of building materials and structures, fire safety design, fire-resistant materials
Gökhan Okumuş
B.Arch., Uludağ University; M.Sc., METU room: 315 phone: (210) 6233 
Fields of interest: Conservation and Management of Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites, Sustainability of Multi-Layered Cultural Landscapes, Urban Complexity, Gölyazı (Apolyont) Bursa, Conservation of Modern Heritage
Öncü Özalp
B.Arch., IUE; M.Arch., METU room: 313 phone: (210) 6212 
Fields of interest: architecture and culture, politics of design, architectural theory and design, architecture and aesthetics
Berre Özkoç
B.Arch., Bilkent University
room: 403 phone: (210) 6230 
Fields of interest: architectural design, architecture and representation, spatial narrative, display environments, theory and design
Merve Öztürk
B.Arch., Eskişehir Osmangazi University; M.Sc., METU room: 315 phone:(210)6233
Fields of interest: conservation of industrial heritage, conservation of modern heritage
Hüseyin Polat
B.Arch., Eskişehir Osmangazi University; M.Arch., METU room: 427 phone: (210) - 
Fields of interest: architectural design, architectural theory and criticism, industrial tectonics
Orçun Sena Saraçoğlu
B.A. Bilkent University; M.A., METU room: 405 phone: (210) 6204 
Fields of interest: interior design, early islamic architecture, seljuk and ottoman architecture, cosmological patterns and symbolism in architecture, philosophical repercussions in architecture
Sezin Sarıca
B.Arch., M.Arch., METU room: 403 phone: (210) 6230 
Fields of interest: display environments, architectural representation methods, large-scale exhibitions, architectural exhibitions
Semih Solak
B.Arch., M.Sc., Gazi University
room: 427 phone: (210) - 
Fields of interest: production of space, architecture and literature, urban space, narrated spaces
Elif Gökçen Tepekaya
B.Arch., M.Arch., ITU room: 313 phone: (210) 6212 
Fields of interest: architectural design and theory, architecture and representation, architectural space, urban museums, urban and society, gender
Fatih Topak, PhD, [on leave]
B.Arch., M.Sc., Ph.D., METU room: 423 phone: (210) 6217 
Personal Web Page
Fields of interest: intelligent environments, IT in architecture, human-building interaction, building automation systems
Feyza Topçuoğlu
B.Arch., M.Sc., Bilkent University room: 403 phone: (210) 6230 
Fields of interest: public space, urban culture, architectural and urban design, urban transformation and regeneration, theory of architecture, modernization of turkey
Selin Tosun
B.Arch., METU; M.Arch., Architectural Association room: 414 phone: (210) 7287 
Fields of interest: urbanism, sustainable development, smart cities, spatial justice
Başak Tükenmez
B.Arch., M.A., METU room: 425 phone: (210) - 
Fields of interest: history of modern architecture, domestic architecture, house and daily life, media, consumption
Dilara Yaraş Er
B.Arch., Izmir University of Economics; M.Arch., METU room: 409 phone: (210) - 
Fields of interest: architectural theory, rural and urban landscape, politics of space, social and environmental justice, gender studies
Ozan Yetkin
B.Arch., M.Sc., METU room: DDS phone: (210) - 
Personal Web Page
Fields of interest: computational design, generative systems, automation algorithms, machine learning, geometry optimization, design and objective space exploration