Post-Doctorate Study
2000, Associate Scholar, CCA (Canadian centre for Architecture, Montréal) Study Centre (May-July)
2000, Visiting Scholar, CCA (Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal) Study Center (January-April)
University Degrees
1996, Doctor of Philosophy, İstanbul Technical University, Department of Architecture, Graduate Program in Art History, Dissertation: "Anadolu Selçukluları'nın Anıtsal Mimarisi Üzerine Kozmoloji Temelli Bir Anlam Araştırması" [“A Study of Meaning in Anatolian Seljukid Monumental Architecture Based on Cosmology”] (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Semra Ögel)
1989, Master of Arts, Bosphorus University, Department of History, Graduate Program in Art History, Thesis: "The Double Headed Eagle of the Seljuks: A Historical Study" (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Aptullah Kuran)
1985, Bachelor of Arts, İstanbul University, Department of Art History
Academic Experience
2012, Member of the Faculty Board (METU, Faculty of Architecture)
2013-2014, EU Socrates Program Bologna Promoter
2012- Present, Member of the Administrative Board, METU Center for Built Environment, Design and Research.
2011, Professor, Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Graduate Program in Architectural History
2007-…, Vice Dean, METU Faculty of Architecture
2004-2005, European Commission Bologna Promoter
2004-, Head, Studies in History of Architecture Unit, METU Faculty of Architecture, Center for Research, Design and Planning (MATPUM) (October)
2003-2004, European Commission ECTS/DS Counselor
2005-, Associate Professor, Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Graduate Program in Architectural History
2003-2008, Erasmus Coordinator, METU Department of Architecture
2003, Associate Professor title, in the field of Architecture: History of Architecture, Council for Higher Education, Turkey
2001, Assistant Profesor, Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Graduate Program in Architectural History
1993, Instructor, Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Graduate Program in Architectural History
1991, Research Assistant, Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Graduate Program in Architectural History
Grants and Fellowships
2011, 2010 METU Foundation for Amelioration (ODTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı) Yearly Performance Incentive Award for METU Professors
2010, METU Foundation for Amelioration (ODTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı) Yearly Performance Incentive Award for METU Professors
2009, METU Foundation for Amelioration (ODTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı) Yearly Performance Incentive Award for METU Professors
2007, METU Foundation for Amelioration (ODTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı) Yearly Performance Incentive Award for METU Professors
2005, METU Foundation for Amelioration (ODTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı) Yearly Performance Incentive Award for METU Professors
2003, METU Foundation for Amelioration (ODTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı) Award for International Publications
2003, TUBA (Turkish Academy of Social Sciences) International Conference Participation Fellowship awarded to attend 91st Annual Conference of College Art Association (CAA) in New York , USA, February 1-9-22. (Declined)
2000, TUBA (Turkish Academy of Social Sciences) Post-Doctorate Research Fellowship awarded to work as associate scholar at Canadian Center for Architecture (CCA) Study Center, Montréal, Canada, May-July 2000
1999, CCA (Canadian Centre for Architecture) Visiting Scholars Program Fellowship awarded for the post-doctoral research project entitled "On the Architecture of the Baroque Period in Turkey from the Perspective of East-West Relations and Social Transformations". Montréal, Canada, January-April 2000
1999, Italian Government Research Fellowship granted for in situ research on Italian Baroque architecture. Rome and Torino, October, 12-25, 1999
1999, Max van Berchem Scholarship granted to attend the 11th International Congres of Turkish Art in Utrecht, Nederlands, August, 23-28
1995, MED Campus Project Scholarship granted to attend a seminar on Islamic art and archaeology in Granada, Spain, October, 10-17
1995, Max van Berchem Scholarship granted to attend the 10th International Congres of Turkish Art in Geneva, Switzerland, September, 17-23
2006-Present, AH 543 Anatolian Seljuk Architecture (11-14th Centuries) (3-0)3
2005-Present, AH 666 Medieval Buildings and Texts (3-0)3
2001-Present, AH 541 Assimilation of Western Modes in Eighteenth Century Ottoman Architecture (3-0)3
1999-Present, ARCH 325 Architecture in Situ: Seljukid and Ottoman Art & Architecture in Turkey (3-0)3
1997-Present, ARCH 440 Masterworks of Medieval Architecture in East and West (3-0)3
1996-Present, AH 539 Cosmological Thought and Architecture in the Middle East (3-0)3
Shared Survey Course
ARCH 222 History of Art and Architecture (with Prof. Dr. Jale Erzen and Asst. Prof. Dr. Sevil Enginsoy-Ekici)
International Publications – Papers
2002, “Western Influence on the Ottoman Empire and Occidentalism in the Architecture of Istanbul,” Eighteenth Century Life: Exoticism and the Culture of Exploration, eds. Robert P. Maccubbin and Christa Knellwolf, 26:3 (Fall, 2002) pp. 139-164.
1993, "The Monumental Iwan: A Symbolic Space or A Functional Device?" Journal of the M.E.T.U. Faculty of Architecture, XI/1-2, 1991 (Ankara), pp. 5-19.
International Publications – Chapter in a Book
2011, “The Assessment of European Architecture by Ottoman Ambassadors of the Eighteenth
Century”, Europa und die Türkei im 18. Jahrhundert / Europe and Turkey in the Eighteenth Century, Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp (ed.), Göttingen: Vandenhopeck & Ruprecht, s 489-505.
2011, “The Upper City of Hasankeyf: Archaeological Park Documentation Study 2002,” Salvage Project of the Archaeological Heritage of the Ilısu and Carchemish Dam Reservoirs, Activities in 2002, Numan Tuna and Owen Doonan (ed.), vol. 1, Ankara: METU- TACDAM, pp 374-386.
2010, "Return of the Sultan: Nuruosmânîye Mosque and the İstanbul Bedestan," Constructing Cultural Identity, Representing Social Power, N. Kısakürek, O. Rastrick, K. Esmark and C. Bilsel (eds.), Pisa: Plus - Pisa Univertsity Press, 139-157.
2010, “Seljuk Architecture and Urbanism in Anatolia,” Expo Shangai 2010: Better City Better Life, Turkey, Anatolia, Istanbul, A. Savaş (ed.), Ankara: Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2010, 79-81. (also at - European Architectural History Network Newsletter, no. 1/08, pp. 28-39.
2008, “The Concept of Beauty from Plotinus to St. Augustine and Ghazzali, and Art of Abstraction in Medieval Eastern Mediterranean,” Aesthetics Bridging Cultures, ed. Jale Erzen (Ankara: SANART) pp. 109-114.
2006, “A Retreating Power: Ottoman approach to the West in the 18th century,” Power and Culture: Hegemony, Interaction and Dissent, edited by Jonathan Osmond and Ausma Cimdina, Edizioni Plus, pp. 83-100.
(2013), "The Architecture of Empire: Ottoman Mosques," Cambridge World History of Religious Architecture, R. Etlin and Hasan Uddin-Khan (eds.), London: Cambridge University Press. (Forthcoming)
(2013), "Imprisoned Pearls: The Long-Forgotten Symbolism of the Great Mosque and Dār al-Shifā’ at Divriği," Archaeology, Anthropology and Heritage in the Balkans and Anatolia: The Life and Works of F.W.Hasluck, 1878-1920, II (Forthcoming)
(2013), "Architectural Transformations in Medieval Anatolia with an Emphasis on Central Asia," Byzantine Culture, Turkish Historical Society TTK (Forthcoming)
International Projects
2010-2013, Institutional Coordinator of ENGLOBE (Enlightenment and Global History), EU 7th Framework Marie Curie Program ITN Project
2004-2010, Institutional Coordinator of (“Creating Links and Innovative Overviews for a New History Research Agenda for the Citizens of a Growing Europe”), EU Sixth Framework Program Network of Excellence
2007-2008, Coordinator of EU CFCU Regional Development Project: “Improvement of Tourism Potential of Divriği in Sivas Province Through Assessment and Representation of Natural and Cultural Heritage”
National Publications – Papers
2004, "Kanada Mimarlık Merkezi (CCA): Kuruluş Süreci ve Mimari Betimlemesi" [“Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA): An Account of its Foundation Process, Building and Facilities”], Journal of the METU Faculty of Architecture 21:1-2 (2004) pp. 1-31.
2010, “Anadolu Selçuklu Mimari Tarihinde Anlam Araştırmaları,” [Research into Meaning in Historiography of Seljuk Architecture in Anatolia] Türkiye Araştırmaları Literatür Dergisi, 7/13, (2009), pp. 67-80.
1998, "Ortaçağ Anadolu Mimarisinde Anlam” [“Meaning into Medieval Anatolian Architecture in Anatolia”], Arkeoloji ve Sanat [Archaeology and Art], XX/85, pp. 29-38.
National Publications – Chapter in a Book
2006, “Evrenin Binasi: Mimarîde Yazı ve Kozmolojik Anlam,” [Cosmos Building: Inscriptions and Cosmological Meaning in Architecture] Selçuklu Uygarlığı: Sanat ve Mimarlık, [Seljuk Civilization: Art and Architecture] v. 2 edited by Ali Uzay Peker and Kenan Bilici, (Ankara: Ministry of Culture) pp. 31-41.
2006, “Anadolu Bazilika Geleneği ve Anıtsal Mimariye Etkisi,” [Basilica in Anatolia and Its Influence in Monumerntal Architecture] Selçuklu Uygarlığı: Sanat ve Mimarlık, [Seljuk Civilization: Art and Architecture] v. 2 edited by Ali Uzay Peker and Kenan Bilici, (Ankara: Ministry of Culture) pp. 55-65.
2003, "Montreal'in Mirası" [“Heritage Montreal”], Cevat Erder Armağanı [Festschrift for Cevat Erder] (Ankara, METU Faculty of Architecture, 2003), pp. 155-176.
2002, "Osmanlı Mimarisinde Yaratıcılık: Amasya Örnekleri" [“Inventiveness in Ottoman Architecture: Amasya Tradition”] Türkler [Turks], v. 12, edited by Yusuf Halaçoğlu, Hasan Celâl Güzel, Kemal Çiçek and Salim Koca (Ankara: Yeni Türkiye Yayınları), pp. 52-59.
2000, "Ortaçağ Anadolu Türk Sanatına Eski Mezopotamya Sanatından Gelen Etkiler Konusu” [“On the Impacts of Ancient Mesopotamian Art upon Anatolian Turkish Art in the Middle Ages”], Sanatta Etkileşim [Interactions in Art], edited by Zeynep Yasa Yaman (Ankara: Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları), pp. 202-205.
2000, "Anadolu'nun Onüçüncü Yüzyılını Anlamak" [“Understanding Anatolia in the Thirteenth Century”], Semra Ögel'e Armağan: Mimarlık ve Sanat Tarihi Yazıları, [Papers on the History of Art and Architecture, Festschrift for Semra Ögel], İstanbul Technical University, Graduate Program in Architectural History (İstanbul: Ege Yayınları, 2000), pp. 107-119.
National Editorial Works — Books
2006, Selçuklu Uygarlığı: Sanat ve Mimarlık [Seljuk Civilization: Art and Architecture] edited by Ali Uzay Peker and Kenan Bilici, Ankara: Ministry of Culture.
2002, 2000'den Kesitler I: Osmanlı'da Mekânlar/Zamanlar/İnsanlar [Space/Time and People I: Ottoman Architecture), Doktora Araştırmaları Sempozyumu Bildirileri (Ankara, 11-12 Kasım 1999) (Graduate Symposium Proceedings, METU Graduate Program in Architectural History, (Ankara, November 11-12, 1999) edited by Ali Uzay Peker (Ankara: METU Fac. of Arch. Press, 2002).
National Projects
2011, Coordinator: “ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Bilgi ve Belgeleme Merkezi Görsel Arşivi için Veri Tabanı Sistemi Kurulması,” [Database System Design for METU Faculty of Architecture Documentation Centre] METU Scientific Research Project, BAP
2009, Coordinator: “Ortaçağ Anadolu – Suriye Etkileşimi: İpekyolu Üzerindeki Yerleşimlerde Yapılı Çevrenin Biçimlenmesi, II” [Interaction between Anatolia and Syria: Formation of the Built Environment in Settlements on the Silk Road] METU Scientific Research Project, BAP
2008, Coordinator: “Ortaçağ Anadolu – Suriye Etkileşimi: İpekyolu Üzerindeki Yerleşimlerde Yapılı Çevrenin Biçimlenmesi, I” [Interaction between Anatolia and Syria: Formation of the Built Environment in Settlements on the Silk Road] METU Scientific Research Project, BAP
2005, Coordinator: “Technological and Finite Elements Analysis and Symbolism of Great Mosque and Hospital at Divriği,” METU Scientific Research Project, BAP
2003, Researcher and synopsis writer in the Project called Information Recording and Transfer Through Filming. With METU, GİSAM, METU Scientific Research Project, BAP
2002, Coordinator: “Hasankeyf Upper City Archaeological Park Documentation Project” Coordinator. METU, TAÇDAM Ilısu Project
2002-Present, Team member, Salvage Project of the Archaeological Heritage of the Ilısu and Carchemish Dam Reservoirs, METU, TAÇDAM (
1992, “A study on the urban and architectural history of Konya for the Renovation Project of the Site of Mevlana's Tomb” (with Prof. Dr. Ömür Bakırer)
Completed Thesis Supervisions
2012, “Architectural permeability: Stylistic Encounters in the Architecture of the Makli Necropolis (14th – 16th Century)” Rabela Junejo, M.A. Degree Program in History of Architecture, METU Institute of Social Sciences
2010, “Use of Traditional Elements in Contemporary Mosque Architecture” by Özgür Ürey, M.Arch. Degree Progam in Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
2010, “The Wooden Hypostyle Mosques of Anatolia: Mosque- and State-Building under Mongol Suzerainty,” by Kenneth Hayes, Ph.D. Program in History of Architecture, METU Institute of Social Sciences
2006, “Zòcalo: Transformation of an Aztec Religious Center into a Colonial Town Square in Mèxico City” by Meltem Özkan, M.A. Degree Program in History of Architecture, METU Institute of Social Sciences
2004, “Sources of the Exoticism in the Architecture of Louis Sullivan: The Primitive, the Orieantal, The Natural,” by Selçuk Köse, M.Arch. Degree Progam in Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
2002, "Byzantine Monasteries and Ottoman Kulliyyes: A Comparative Study of their Forms and Functions," by Juliana Aires Franceschini, M.Arch. Degree Program, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
1999, "An Interpretation of the Divriği Complex From the Perspective of the Cosmos Understanding in the 13th Century Anatolia," by Selen Bostan, M.A. Degree Program in History of Architecture, METU Institute of Social Sciences
Ongoing Thesis Supervisions
2010-Present, “Idiosyncratic Narratives: Historiography on Mudejar Architecture in Spain,” by Meltem Özkan Ph.D. Dissertation, History of Architecture
2008-Present, “Monumental Tomb Structures in Anatolian Seljuk Architecture: A Study in Meaning, Form and Memory,” by Murat K. Şentürk, Ph.D. Dissertation, History of Architecture,
2009-Present, “Theory and Practice of Geometry in Medieval Architecture in the Middle East,” by Deniz Özden M.A. D. Thesis, History of Architecture