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Prof. Dr. Güven Arif Sargın [Dean of the Faculty of Architecture]B.Arch., M.Arch., METU; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin at Madison. Fields of interest: politics and space; urban and environmental history and theory; social and political history and theory |
2012-March / Present, Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Ankara
2006-February-July, Visiting Scholar, TUDelft Faculty of Architecture DSD, the Netherlands
2004-October, Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture, METU, Ankara.
2000-June, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture, METU, Ankara.
1996-August, Doctor of Philosophy, Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin at Madison.
1989-February, Master of Science in Architecture, Department of Architecture, METU, Ankara.
1986-June, Bachelor of Architecture, Department of Architecture, METU, Ankara.
1982-June, Diploma in English as a Second Language, METU, Ankara.
2015 METU Incentive Premium for Performance
2014 METU Incentive Premium for Performance
2013 METU Incentive Premium for Performance
2012 METU Incentive Premium for Performance
2011 METU Mustafa Parlar Foundation, Educator of the Year Award
2011 METU Incentive Premium for Performance
2010 METU Incentive Premium for Performance
2008 METU Incentive Premium for Performance
2007 METU Incentive Premium for Performance
2006 METU Incentive Premium for Performance
2004 METU Incentive Premium for Performance
2004 METU Mustafa Parlar Foundation, Educator of the Year Award
2003 METU Incentive Premium for Performance
2002 METU Incentive Premium for Performance
2001 METU Incentive Premium for Performance
2000 METU Incentive Premium for Performance
2006-Spring Semester, Visiting Fellow at TUDelft, the Netherlands.
2005-2007 TÜBİTAK (Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Institution) Fellowship.
1991-1995 Doctoral Fellowship by the Board of Higher Education in Turkey.
1990-1992 Research Fellowship by the University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA.
Administrative Experience [Academic]
2015 August – Present, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, METU, Ankara
2007 February – January 2015, Head of the Department of Architecture, METU, Ankara.
2002 September – 2004 - October, Representative of the Faculty Administrative Board [Fakülte Yönetim Kurulu], METU, Faculty of Architecture.
2002 January – 2015 December, Member of the Editorial Board of JFA [Journal of the Faculty of Architecture], METU, Faculty of Architecture.
1999 November – 2002 September, Representative of the Faculty Administrative Board [Fakülte Yönetim Kurulu] METU, Faculty of Architecture.
Teaching Experience – Graduate [Developed]
2008-Present, Arch 723 Advanced Architectural Design Research Studio II [with Prof. Dr. Ayşen Savaş] METU, Department of Architecture.
2003-Present, Arch 613, Critical Theories on Urban Architecture, METU, Department of Architecture.
2001-Present, Arch 505, Advanced Architectural Design Research Studio I [with Prof. Dr. Ayşen Savaş] METU, Department of Architecture.
2001-Present, Arch 526, Politics and Space, METU, Department of Architecture.
1999-Present, Arch 512, Advanced Studies on Urban Architecture: Graduate Research Studio [with Prof. Dr. Câna Bilsel], METU, Department of Architecture.
1999-Present, Arch 511, Social and Cultural Themes in Urban Architecture [with Prof. Dr. Câna Bilsel] METU, Department of Architecture.
Teaching Experience – Undergraduate
2014-Present, Arch 201-202, Second Year Architectural Design Studios, METU, Department of Architecture
2012-2014, Arch101-102, First Year Basic/Introduction to Architectural Design Studios, METU, Department of Architecture
1998-2012, Arch 401-402, Fourth Year Architectural Design Studios, METU, Department of Architecture.
1996-Fall, Arch 201-202, Second Year Architectural Design Studios, METU, Department of Architecture.
1996-Fall, Arch 290, Landscape Architecture, METU, Department of Architecture.
Teaching Assistantship
1989-1990, Arch 401-402, Fourth Year Design Studio, METU, Department of Architecture.
1987-1989, Arch 201-202, Second Year Design Studio, METU, Department of Architecture.
1986-1987, Arch 351, Architectural Detailing and Construction, METU, Department of Architecture.
Teaching [Other]
1988-Summer, Teaching Assistant, Arch 290, Construction Practice, METU, Department of Architecture.
1987-Summer, Teaching Assistant, Arch 190, Topographic and Architectural Surveying Practice, METU, Department of Architecture.
Research Assistantship
1990-1992, Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Wisconsin at Madison.
International Publications – Chapter in a Book
2014-May, “Alla Turca Urbanisation; A Concise Spatial History of Ankara,” in StudioBlog 2011-2013 (edt.) Ayşen Savaş and Agnes van der Meij, Faculty of Architecture Press, Ankara, pp.
2012-May, “Sincan, a Town on the Verge of Breakdown: The Spatialization of Identity Politics and Resistance” in Visualizing Secularism and Religion; Egypt, Lebenon, Turkey, India, Edt. Çınar, A., University of Michigan Press, Michigan, Ann Arbor, pp.258-280.
2010-November, Republican Urbanism: Searching for a New Public Sphere” in Expo Shangai 2010: Better City Better Life, Turkey, Anatolia, Istanbul, Edt. Savaş, A., Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ankara, pp.133-7.
2009-August, “Schisms of Urban Programming: The Hybrid Spaces of the Balkans/ ‘Hybrid Spaces: hybrida, hibrida, in Architecture and Identiy, Edt. Herrie, P. and Wegerhoff, E., Lit Verlag, Berlin, pp. 391-402.
2004-July, “Hybrid Spaces”, in Hybrid Spaces, Edt. Sargın, G. A., METU-MfY Press, Ankara, Turkey, pp.3-13.
2000-December, “Nature of Resistance and Counter-hegemony in Post-industrial Society,” in Nature as Space: (re) Understanding Nature and the Natural Environments, Edt. Sargın, G A, METU MfY Press, Ankara, pp. 59-79.
2000-December, “Concluding Notes on Urban and Rural” in Nature as Space: (re) Understanding Nature and Natural Environments, Edt. Sargın, G. A., METU MfY Press, Ankara, pp. 149-165.
International Editorial Works — Books
2004-July, Hybrid Spaces, METU-MfY Press, Ankara.
2000-December, Nature as Space: (re)Understanding Nature and Natural Environments, METU-MfY Press, Ankara.
International Publications – Journals [Refereed and Indexed]
2013-February, “University is a Society; An Environmental History of the METU Campus”, JoA-Journal of Architecture, Vo.18, No.1, Routledge / Taylor and Francis, pp. (With Ayşen Savaş), pp. 79-106
2013-January “Constructed Revolutions: Cinematic Representation of The Spaces of Politics – Ankara: Serdce Tureckii, Antipode –A Radical Journal of Geography, Vo.45, No.1, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 140-160.
2012-December, “Dialectical Urbanism: Tactical Instruments in Urban Design Education”, Cities, Vo.29, No.6 (doi:10.1016), Elsevier, pp. (With Ayşen Savaş), pp.358-368.
2011-December, “Making the Second Nature: Towards a Critique of Cultural Politics in Urban Perception – The USA Context, 1850-1940”, in JFA-Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, Vol. 28, No. 1, METU Press, Ankara, pp. 147-64.
2004-October, “Displaced Memories, or the Architecture of Forgetting and Remembrance,” in Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 659-80.
1997, “Myth, Ideology, and Hegemony: The Political Syntax of American Environmental Design Tradition," in JFA-Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, Vol. 17, No. 1-2, METU Press, Ankara, pp. 25-42.
National Publications – Chapter in a Book
2016-March, “Mimarlık ve Devrim/Yeni Toplumcu Mimarlık", Mimarlık Semineri 1969-2015; Mimarlık Semineri Bağlamında Geleceğe Bakmak, Tmmobb Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükekkent Şubesi, İstanbul, pp.375-450.
2015-December, “Global Tendencies in the Role of the Chamber of Architects: A Brief Outlook to the Case of Turkey”, The Cities Security and Poverty [The 2013 Meeting of the World Society For Ekistics], Edt. M.Yılmaz and Ç.Keskinok, Hacettepe University Press, Ankara, pp.xix-xxii.
2012-May, “Kurmaca Başkentlerin İmgesel İnşaası: Ankara’nın Mekansal Siyasası Üzerine Kısa Notlar (Imaginary Constructions for Fabricated Cities: Notes on Ankara’s Spatial Politics)” in Cumhuriyetin Ütopyası: Ankara, Edt. Şenol, F C, Ankara Üniversitesi Yayınları, Ankara, pp.147-172.
2012-February, “Mekanın Soy Kütüğü Üzerine Denemeler: İktidar ve/veya Direnişin İdeolojik Aracı Olarak Mekanbilim (Themes on the Geneology of Space: The Science of Space as an Instrument of Power and/or Resistance)”, Ankara.Kent.Atlası, Edt. Sargin, G.A., Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, Ankara, pp. vi-xii.
2010-December, “Çevresel Tarih Yazımına Önsöz: Bir Modernleşme Projesi Kapsamında, Başkent Ankara’nın Çevresel Tarihine Giriş: 1925-1957 (Prologue for Environmental Historiography: An Introduction to Ankara’s Environmental History: 1925-1957)” in Mimarlıkta Estetik Düşünce_2007/Uluslararası Estetik Kongresi’nden Seçme Bildiriler (Aesthetic Ideals in Architecture), Edt. Erzen, J., Tmmob Mimarlar Odası Yayınları, Ankara, pp.233-48.
2010-August, “1970’ler Türkiye Modernizmine Giriş: M. Ziya Tanalı’nın Erken Dönem Tasarımları Üzerine Bir Deneme (Turkish Modernizm: On Ziya Tanalı’s Early Architecture” in M. Ziya Tanalı; Mimarlığa Emek Verenler Dizisi - IV, Edt. Onur, Z, Mimarlar Odası Yayınları, Ankara, pp.209-14.
2008-May, “Modernleşme Projesinin bir İmgelemi Olarak Bozkır Deneyimi: ODTÜ Yerleşkesinin Çevresel Tarihine Giriş (The Prairie Experience as an Image of Modernization Project: Introduction to METU’s Environmental History)”, Edt. Savaş, A., ODTÜ Mimarlık Projeleri – Yarışma Projeleri 2000-2008, ODTÜ Yayınları, Ankara, pp. 21-29.
2007-December, “Mimarlık ve İdeoloji I (Architecture and Ideology I)” in Mimarlık ve İdeoloji Söyleşileri I, Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi Yayınları, Ankara, s.19-26.
2006-December, “Mekansal bir Praksis olarak Metamorfoz (Metamorphosis as a Spatial Praxis)” in Metamorfoz – Ankara: yitik zamanların kenti, Mimarlar Odasi Ankara Şubesi Yayınları, Ankara, pp.
2005-December “Ötekinin Gözüyle Ankara’yı Kurmak: Sovyet Propaganda Sinemasında Devrimci Bellek Kaybı ve Anımsama (Constructing Ankara Through the Other’s Eye: Revolutionary Amnesia and Remembrance in the Soviet Propaganda Cinema )” in Cumhuriyetin Ankarası, Ed. Şenyapılı, T., İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, s. 243-56
2002-November, “Kamu, Kent ve Polytika (Public Sphere, City and Polytica)” in Ankara’nın Kamusal Yüzleri: Başkent Üzerine Mekan-Politik Tezler, Ed. Sargın, G A, İletişim Yayınları, Ankara, pp. 9-40.
2002-February, “Kamusallık ve Şiddet (Public Sphere and Violence)” in Bilim Adamlarından Savaşa Karşı Yazılar, Ed. Çubukcu, A, Evrensel Basım Yayın, İstanbul, p. 175-178.
2002-January, “Aklın bir Anlık Durgunluğu: Sanallık ve Mimarlığı Üzerine Tezler (The Momentary Lapse of Reason: Theses on Simulation and its Architecture)” in Mimarlık ve Sanallık, Ed. Tanyeli, U., Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp.9-26
National Editorial Works – Books
2016-March, Mimarlık Semineri 1969-2015; Mimarlık Semineri Bağlamında Geleceğe Bakmak, Tmmobb Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükekkent Şubesi, İstanbul, pp.375-450.
2012-February, Ankara.Kent.Atlası, Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi Yayınları, Ankara
2007-December, Mimarlık ve İdeoloji Söyleşileri I, Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi Yayınları, Ankara.
2006-December, Metamorfoz: Kayıp Zamanların Kenti Ankara, Mimarlar Odasi Ankara Şubesi Yayınları, Ankara.
2002-November, Ankara’nın Kamusal Yüzleri: Başkent Üzerine Mekan-Politik Tezler, İletişim Yayınları, Ankara.
2001-June, Düşünceler ve Tasarımlar—Şevki Vanlı, Mimarlar Derneği 1927 Yayınları, İstanbul.
National Publications – Journals [Refereed]
2009-September, “Ulusalcılık: Söylencesel ve İdeolojik Araçsallaştırma (Nationalism: Mythical and Ideological Instrumentalization)”, Toplumsal Tarih, No.189, Tarih Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.83-91.
2008-September “Yakın Dönem Kentleşme Süreçlerine İlişkin Eleştirel Notlar (Critical Notes on Recent Urbanization Processes)”, Mülkiye, Kardelen Ofset, Ankara, pp.45-54.
2003-November, “Öncül Kamusal Mekanları Tasarlamak: Başkent Ankara Üzerine Kısa Notlar, 1923-46 (Designing the Early Public Spaces: Notes on Ankara, 1923-46)”, Mülkiye, Kardelen Ofset, Ankara, pp. 281-97.
2003-May, “Le Corbusier ve Kent; Devrimci ve Tutucu Söylence’ye Dair... (Le Corbusier and the City; on Revolutionary and Conservative Discourses…)”, Sanat Dünyamız, YKY Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.188-197.
National Publications – Journals and Magazines [with Editorial Board]
2016-Aptil, “Akademinin Hal-i Pür Melali [ya da Dilin/Sözün/Söylemin Şevkinde Kaybolmak]”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yaynları, İstanbul, pp. 54-57.
2015-May, “Yeri Gelmişken Bir Kez Daha: Tarihte olaylar ilkinde trajedi, ikincisinde komedi olarak tekerrür eder”, Bülten – dosya: AOÇ I 39°55'51.4"N 32°47'57.3"E, Tmmob Mİmarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, pp. 21-33.
2014-December, “Tarihte olaylar ilkinde trajedi, ikincisinde komedi olarak tekerrür eder 2: (kaç)Ak Saray? Bilim ve Gelecek – Aylık Bilim, Kültür, Politika Dergisi, Sayı: 130, Evrensel Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.31-32.
2014-December, “Tarihte olaylar ilkinde trajedi, ikincisinde komedi olarak tekerrür eder...” Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.80-81
2014-July, “Başat Mimarlık Eğitimleri Olası mı? [101+ | MOBBİG 38’in Ardından Alıntılamalar]”, Mimarlık (The Journal of the Chamber of Architects of Turkey), Güzel Sanatlar Matbası, Ankara, pp.
2014-June, “Şiddet ve Şiddete Dair Sarkastik Temayüller [ya da "Dün gece arkadaşlar bana da sürpriz yapmışlar...Bir gece de ODTÜ yolunu açmışlar. Ankara'mıza hayırlı olsun."]”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.
2014-January, “Dosya: Direniş Mekanları”, “Kerbela’nın Evladıyız, Ayıptır, Zulümdür, Cinayettir”, Bülten – dosya 32, Tmmob Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, Ankara, pp.1-5.
2013-March, “Erk ve Hakikat Algısı (Power and the Perception of Truth)”, Mimarlık (The Journal of the Chamber of Architects of Turkey), Güzel Sanatlat Matbası, Ankara, pp.
2013-February, “Mikrosiyaset (Micropolitics)”, Bülten – 103, The Chamber of Architects_Ankara Chapter, pp.3-4.
2010-Ekim, “Emek-Değer Çelişkisinin Mekansal İzdüşümü: Türkiye’de Kent ve Rant (Spatial Reflections of Labor-Value Dichotomy: The City and the Rant in Turkey)”, Bülten – dosya 11.1, Tmmob Mimarlar Odası_Ankara Chapter, pp.1-4.
2010-September, Bir Siyasi Aygıt: Röntgen / Bir Siyasi Özne: Röntgenci (Political Apparatus: Gaze / Political Subject: Stalker)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.76-9.
2010-March, “Hız Hareket ve Menzilin Siyasası Üzerine (The Politics of Speed, Mobility and Trajectory)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.54-6.
2010-January, “Mimarlık ve Eğitim Kurultayının Ardından: Küreselleşme ve Adaletsiz Gelişmenin Görünür İşaretleri (Globalization and the Visible Signs of Unjustice Development)”, Mimarlık, Tmmob Mimarlar Odası, Ankara, pp.45-6.
2009-May, “Darwinizm ve Kent: Modern Dönem Mekan Kuramlarına Eleştirel Bakış (Darwinism and the City: A Critical Survey on Spaces of Modernism)” Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.60-63.
2009-February, “Kentin Kamusal Kimliğinin Çatkılanmasında İdeoloji ve İdeolojik Çatışma (Ideology and Ideological Confrontation in Constructing the Urban Publicness)”, Bülten – dosya 10.1, Tmmob Mimarlar Odası, Ankara, pp.64-70.
2008-June, “Betonun 50 Yıllık Kısa Tarihi: ODTÜ Yerleşkesi ve Hazırlık Okulu Ek Yapıları (50-Year-History of Concrete: METU Campus and the Prep School’s Additional Buildings)”, Betonart, Boyut Yayıncılık, pp.34-9.
2007-October, “Yeni Bir Mimarlığa Doğru (Towards a New Architecture)” Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.57-8.
2007-January “M. Ziya Tanalı’nın Erken Dönem Tasarımları: 1970’le Türkiye Modernizmi’ne Giriş (Early Designs of M. Ziya Tanalı: Introduction to Turkish Modernism circa 1970s)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 116-21.
2006-December “Modern Kentin Sokakları ve Gezginleri: Arkadlar ve Flaneur (The Streets and Walkers of the Modern City: Arcades and Flaneurs)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 92-6.
2006-Temmuz, “ Moderni Sürdürmek: ODTÜ Kuzey Kıbrıs Yerleşkesi, Kültür ve Kongre Merkezi (Continuing the Modern: METU North Cyprus Campus, Culture and Convention Center)” Yapı, Yapı 296, İstanbul, pp.72-77.
2006-April “Denetim ve Nesneleştirmenin Aracı olarak Kamusal Mahremiyet (Discipline and Public Private for Objectification)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 53-6.
2005-March, “Kentsel Programı Tasarlamak (Designing Urban Program)”, Plânlama, Ankara, pp.38-48.
2005-October, “Yoksulluğun Nedenselliği Üzerine Notlar (Notes on Urban Poverty)”, Bülten, Tmmob Mimarlar Odası, Ankara, pp.6-8.
2005-July, “Çağdaş Panoptikon: Metropolis (Modern Panopticon: Metropolis)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.48-52.
2005-April, “İdeolojik ve Bilgi Kuramsal bir Kırılma ve/veya Yanılsama: Postmodernizm (An Ideological and Epistemological Rupture and/or Illusion: Postmodernism)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.59-63.
2005-February, “Tarihselciliğin Kısa Tarihi; Evrensellik, Tikellik ve Eytişim (A Short History of Historicism; Universalism, Particularity and Dialectic)” Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.64-8.
2005-January, “Toplumbilim Açısından Mimari Praksis: Mimarlığın Öteki Ayraçları Üzerine Düşünceler (Architectural Praxis from the Perspective of Social Sciences: Thoughts on Architectural Differences)” Bülten, Güzel Sanatlar Matbaası, İstanbul, p.22-5.
2004-November, “Yeni-Modern’in İzinde Kurumsal Bir Öneri: ODTÜ Teknokent Binası (An Institutional Proposal in the Traces of Neo-Modern: METU Technopolis Building)”, Yapı, Yapı, İstanbul, pp. 79-84.
2004-October, “Sapkın ve Sapkınlık: Kentin Sıradan Aktörleri-Eylemleri (Marginal and Marginality: The Ordinary Agents-Practices of Urbanite)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp.53-6.
2003-December, “Kıyı Çizgisini Yeniden-çizmek; Fethiye Marina (Re-drawing the Shoreline; Fethiye Marina)”, XXI Mimarlık, Tasarım ve Kent Dergisi, Depo Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp.76-81.
2003-October, “Paper Architecture; Kurma ve Metnin Söylencesel Bilgisi (Paper Architecture; The Myths of Constructing and Writing)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp.106-9.
2003-June, “Geçiciliğin Temsiliyeti: Vitrin (Representation of Ephemerality: Window)”, XXI Mimarlık, Tasarım ve Kent Dergisi, Depo Yayıncılık, İstanbul, p.52.
2003-June, “Popüler Kültürü Üretmek: Seçkinci Kültürden Gündelik Hayata Kayışın İdeolojisi (Producing the Popular: The Ideology of Displacement – Elitism to Everyday Life)” Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp.38-41.
2003-February, “Köktenci Dönüşümden Parçacı Direnişe; Sosyal Mimarlığın 100 Yıllık Kısa Öyküsü (From Revolutionary Transformation to Fragmented Resistance; A Short Story of Social Architecture’s 100 Year)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp.55-7.
2003-February, “Genius Loci ya da “Yer”in Sefaleti: Hartum Üzerine Kısa Notlar (Genius Loci or the Poverty of Place: Shorts Notes on Khartoum)” Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp.95-99.
2002-November, “Kamu Adına Örgütlü Unutma ve Yeniden-anımsama (Organized Forgetting and Remembrance)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp. 46-50.
2002-April, “Mimarlık ve Temsiliyetin Politik İmgelemi (Political Imagination of Architecture and Representation: Mythical and Ideological Knowledge)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp.81-7.
2001-December, “Kentin Sonhali: Şizofreni (The End of the City: Schizophrenia)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp.99-103.
2001-June, “Kropotkin, Howard ve Nolen: Anarşi ve Yeni Kent (Kropotkin, Howard, and Nolen: Anarchy and the New-City)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp.60-64.
2001-April, “Siyaseten Kentsel Mekânı Tüketmek: Şiddet, Direniş ve Dönüştürme Üstüne (Consuming Politically the Urban Space: On Violence, Resistance, and Transformation)” Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp.70-75.
2001-February, “Devrimci Direniş ve Sıradan Faşizm Arasına Sıkışmak: İtalyan Fütürizmi (Between Revolutionary Resistance and Ordinary Fascism: Futurism)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp.86-90.
2000-July-August, “Kentsel Mimarlık, Kamusal Bilinç ve Mimarlık Eğitimi (Urban Architecture, Public Consciousness, and Architectural Education)” Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp. 140-142.
2000-May, “Sosyal Mimarlık, Politika ve Kent: Lucien Kroll (Social Architecture, Politics, and City: Lucien Kroll)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp. 74-77.
2000-March, “ Kent ve Kır’a ilişkin ekolojik Söylemler (Eco-discourses on Urban and Rural)”, Mimarlık, Güzel Sanatlar Matbaası, İstanbul, pp. 7-9.
1998-September, “Doğa ve Çevresel Tasarım (Nature and Environmental Design)” Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp. 81-85.
1998-September, “Turgut Cansever’le Söyleşi (Interview with Turgut Cansever)” Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp. 86-90.
National Editorial Works — Journals and Magazines [with Editorial Board]
2015-July/August, “Demokrasi ve Mimarlık: Beden, Mekân, Siyaset II (Democracy and Architecture: Body, Space Politics II)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.
2015-June, “Disiplin ve Mimarlık: Beden, Mekân, Siyaset I (Discipline and Architecture: Body, Space Politics I)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 78-106.
2014-January, “Dosya: Direniş Mekanları”, Bülten – dosya 32, Tmmob Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, Ankara, pp.1-40.
2011-December, “Mimarlık ve Delilik / Marazi Özne ve Tahayyülleri (Architecture and Madness / The Morbid Subject and his Imaginations)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.84-107.
2010-December, “Mimarlık, Kent ve Rant (Architecture, City and Rant)”, Bülten – dosya 10.1, Tmmob Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, Ankara, pp.1-51.
2010-September, “Dikiz: İktidarın Gözü, Gözün İktidarı (Gaze: The Eye of the Power, The Power of the Eye)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.76-9.
2010-March, “Hız ve Mimarlık: Hızın Esoterik Hikayesi (Speed and Architecture: The Esoretic Story of Speed)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.54-80.
2009-May, “Darwin: Mekan Kuramları ve Üretimi Süreçlerinde Evrim Kuramı (Darwin: Evolution in the Processes of Space Theories and Production)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.
2004-October, “Sapkın ve Sapkınlık: Kentin Sıradan Aktörleri-Eylemleri (Marginal and Marginality: The Ordinary Agents-Practices of Urbanite)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp.52-69.
2002-November, “Anıt: Anımsamak ve Unutmak (Monument: Remembrance and Forgetting)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp. 46-61.
2001-April, “Kenti Yeniden Okumak… (reReading the Urban…)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp.70-89.
2000-March, “Ekobaşkalaşım (Eco-metamorphosis)”, Mimarlık, Güzel Sanatlar Matbaası, İstanbul, pp. 7-25.
1998-September, “Sanal Doğayı Üretmek (Producing the Virtual Nature)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp. 80-95.
National and International Conference Presentations, Symposiums, Panels and Workshops
2016-January, “60. Yılında Mimarlar Odası Konuşmaları Serisi”, Tmmob Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, Ankara, 16 Ocak 2016.
2015-December, “Tehcir, Savaş Makinası ve İnşaat,” Eda Yüksel Halk İçin Bilim, Halk İçin Mühensilik ve Mimarlık Sempozyumu, İstanbul Küçük Armutlu Cemevi, 26-27 Aralık 2015.
2015-December, “Kaçak Saray, Kibir, İnsaf Üzerine Çeşitlemeler…”, Kaçak Saray Kitabı Paneli, Tmmob Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, Ankara, 12 Aralık 2015.
2015-October, “Sokaklar, Meydanlar”, Kentsel Boşluğun Dili, Yapı Yaşam Konferansı, Tmmob Mimarlar Odası Bursa Şubesi, Bursa, 02 Ekim 2015.
2015-October, “İdeolojik ve/veya Sivil Kamusallık”, Mimarlık Haftası Etkinlikleri: İklim Değişiyor, Tmmob Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, Ankara, 06 Ekim 2015.
2015-October, “Devrimci Praksis Olası mı? Türkiye Mimarlığını Konuşuyor Konferansı, by Bilgi Üniversitesi ve Yapı, İstanbul, 09 Ekim 2015.
2015-April, “Fil Kafesi | Koepel Breda, International Workshop on Breda Panoptican” by Tsmd and Architectuur Lokaal, Breda + Rotterdam + Amsterdam, 26-29 April.
2015-March, “Devrimci Mimarlık ya da Yeni bir Toplumcu Mimarlık”, Mimarlık Semineri 1969 | Mimarlık Semineri 2015, Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükkent Şubesi, İstanbul, 5-7 March.
2015-February, “Türkiye Mimarlığı Nereye Evriliyor” Mimarlık Bienali Hazırlık Toplantıları, Mimarlar Odası Antalya Şubesi, Ankara Çağdaş Sanatlar Merkezi, 24 February.
2015-January, “The Camp as the City, International Workshop on The City as the Camp | Camp as the City of Exception” by METU Department of City and Regional Planning, 16-26 January.
2014-December, AOÇ Semineri, “AOÇ ve Cumhurbaşkanlığı Yerleşkesi Üzerine bir Değerlendirme”, Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, Ankara, 06 Aralık.
2014-November, MOBBİG 39 Toplantısı: Çokluk, “Çokluk Özgürleşme ve Kolektif Arzu”, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, İstanbul 6-7 Kasım.
2014-October, Üniversiteler ve Kent Araştırmaları Merkezi Sempozyumu: “Bağlamsalcılık ve Küreselleşme Döngüsünde Eleştirel Bir Okuma”, Koç Üniversitesi – VEKAM, Ankara, 31 Ekim.
2014-October, “Mesleki Etik ve Toplumsal Ahlâk Ayracında Türkiye Mimarlık Ödülleri ve Sergisi: Devrimci bir Praksis Hâlâ Olası mı?”, Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükkent Şubesi, İstanbul, 24 Ekim.
2014-September, Türkiye Mimarlığını Sorguluyor Sempozyumu, “mimari praksis: etik, toplumsallık ve direnç”, Mimarlar Odası Bursa Şubesi, Bursa, 26-27 Eylül.
2014-May, 101+ | MOBBİG 38 Toplantısı, “Başat Mimarlık Eğtimleri Olası mı?”, ODTÜ Mimarlık Bölümü, Ankara 5-6 Mayıs.
2014-March, Hasan Ünal Nalbantoğlu Sempozyumu, “Kerbelâ’nın Evlâdıyız; Ayıptır, Zulümdür, Cinayettir!”, ODTÜ Sosyoloji Bölümü, Ankara, Mart.
2013-May, “Şiddete Dair Notlar (Notes on Violance)”, Şiddet Oyunları, Kolektif.Mimarlık (Collective.Architecture), METU, Faculty of Architecture, Ankara, May 15.
2013-May, “Towards an Enigmatic Age of Crises: Architecture of Surrender or Resistance”, International Conference by INTBAU, Nicosia, Cyprus, May 09.
2013-April, “Global Tendencies and the Role of Chambers: A Brief Outlook to Turkish Case”, The Balkan Architecture Conference in Belgrade by UIA, April 25-26.
2013-April, “Başkent Üzerine Notlar (Notes on the Capital City)”, Kent Konuşmaları (City Talks), Kadir Has Üniversitesi, Güzel Sanatlar ve Mimarlık Fakültesi, İstanbul, April 09.
2013-March, “Tahayyül ve Üretimin Görsel Diyalektiği: İmge (Visual Dialectic of Imagination and Production: İmage)”, The Festival of the Photography Club, METU, Ankara, March 19.
2013-March, “Modernliğin Karşı-devrimci Saldırısı Olarak Yeni-Muhafazakarlık (Neo-Conservatism as a Counter-Revolution to Modernity)”, Mimarlık ve İdeoloji III: Yeni-Muhafazakarlık (Architecture and Ideology III: Neo-Conservatism), Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi (The Chamber of Architects_Ankara Branch), Ankara, March 09.
2012-December, “Merkez-Çeper İlişkisi Üzerine Marksist Bir Üst-Okuma”, Merkez-Çevre Sorunsalı Hala Geçerli mi?, Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi, Mardin, December 19.
2012-November, “Kent ve Mimarlık: Güncel Konular Üzerinden Kent ve Mimarlığa Dair Sorgulamalar: Reklam Filmleri Üzerinden Medya-Kent-Mimarlık İlişkileri,” Mimarlık Topluluğu, ODTÜ, Ankara, November 28.
2012-November, “Modernism ve Marksizm: Bir Görsel Metnin Okunması Üzerine Yöntem Denemesi”, SALT_Modern Zamanlar, İstanbul, November 24.
2012-October, “Toplu Konut Bağlamıyla İlişkilendirmek: Türkiye’de Kentsel Dönüşüm; Yeni Liberal Kentsel Dönüşüm Politikaları Bağlamında, Planlama ve Tasarım Bakımımdan Toplu Konut Üretimi”, Hollanda Mimarlık Enstitüsü ve ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi, Ankara, October 15.
2012-October, AOÇ ve Ankara’nın Geleceği Sempozyumu (Atatürk Forest Farm and Anakara’s Future Symposium), Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi (Chamber of Architects, Ankara Branch), Çağdaş Sanatlar Merkezi, Ankara, October 08.
2011-October, “Kültür Araştırmaları Sempozyumu: Mekan ve Kültür / Bellek İnşaası ve Yıkımı_Kentsel Mekanın İzleri (Cultural Studies Symposium: Space and Culture / Construction and Destruction of Memory_The Traces of Urban Space)”, Kadir Has Üniversitesi, İstanbul, October 8-10.
2010-October, “Ideological Theses on Social Architecture”, Architectural Social Forum, UIA/Tmmob – The Chamber of Architects Ankara Branch, October 21-23.
2009-October, “Healing Landscape: Reading Politically – Nature City Dichotomy”, IAPS – Revitalizing Built Environments; Requalifying Old Places for New Uses, International Conference, İstanbul, 12-16 October.
2009-May, “Ulusalcılık: İdeolojik bir Araçsallaştırma (Nationalism: An Ideological Instrumentalization)”, ULusalcılık ve Mimarlık Sempozyumu: Osmanli Bankası Toplantilari; İstanbul.
2008-September, “Political Architecture and/or Politics in Architecture; Interpretations on Ideology in Modern and Postmodern Periods, Architecture and Ideology Conference, Moscow State University, Russian Federation, 03-05th of September.
2007-July, “Towards a Critical Construal of City and Nature: A Brief Environmental History, Ankara”, International Aesthetic Congress 2007 – SANART, Bridging the Cultures, held in Ankara METU, 11-16th of July.
2005-April, “Uluslararası Değişen Peyzaj Konferansı (International Landscape Change Conference)”, organized by Ankara University, Department of Landscape Architecture, September 14-18.
2005-October, “Çalıştay: Atatürk Kültür Merkezi (Workshop: Atatürk Cultural Center)”, organized by the Chamber of Architecture, Ankara Chapter.
2004-December, “Schisms of Urban Programming: The Hybrid Spaces of Balkans”, Architecture and Identity Conference, Berlin House of World Cultures, held in Berlin, Berlin Technical University, 6-8th of December.
2004-October, “On Public and Private Spaces of Politics of Religion and of Secularism”, Secularism, Religious Nationalism and the Public Sphere in Comparative Perspective Workshop, held in Ankara Bilkent University, 15th-18th October.
2003-December, “Kentsel Program ve Kamusal Alan (Urban Programming and Public Sphere)”, submitted for Sağlıklı Modern Kentleşme, Türk Belediyecilik Sempozyumu, held in Ankara, 13-14th of December.
2001-June, “On the Verge of Civic Breakdown: Community and Territorial Division-the Town of Sincan,” submitted for the ACSA International Conference Istanbul: Oriental-Occidental: Geography, Identity, Space, held in İstanbul, 15th-19th of June.
2001-March, “(re)Making the Cultural Landscape: Industrial Installations as Ideological Leitmotifs,” submitted for the International “Landscapes and Politics” Conference, held in Edinburgh, 23-25th of March.
2000-July, “Concluding Notes: Between Amnesia and Memory: Public Sphere(s) of Urban and Rural (entre l’amnesie et la memoire: les spheres publiques de l’urbain et du rural),” submitted for the 16th Conference of IAPS for 21st Century: Cities, Social Life and Sustainable Development, held in 3-7 of July. 2000-April, Chairperson for the “Kent ve Kentleşme Semineri (Cities and Urbanization Seminar)”, organized by the Çankaya Municipality, April 18-20, Ankara.
1999-October, “The Architecture of Displacement: Notes on Monuments, Memories and Identities of a Nation-Capital-Ankara,” submitted for the 4th International Others Connections Conference, held in Beirut, 25th-28th of October.
1997-May/June, "Islam, Modernity, and the Politics of Public Realm: The Kocatepe Complex of Ankara," with Cânâ Bilsel and Belgin Turan, submitted for the ACSA International Conference Berlin: Building as a Political Act, ACSA Press, Washington, pp. 451-454, (presented by Asst. Prof. Dr. Cânâ Bilsel), held in Berlin, June 31st – May 3rd.
Book Reviews
2003-May, “Sosyal Adalet ve Şehir, David Harvey (Social Justice and the City by David Harvey)” Akşam-lık, YKY Yayınları, İstanbul, p.3.
1990, "Kitap Yorum: Türk Mimarlığı Üzerine Eleştirel bir Tartışma (Book Review: A Critical Discussion on Turkish Architecture)", MEDIA_Occasional Papers Series, Faculty of Architecture, MfY Press, Fall 90/1, pp. 98-100.
Refereeing – Journals, Conferences and Academic Competitions
2016-March, Referee for the Internaitonal Journal of Praksis, METU Ankara, Turkey.
2016-January/December, Referee for the Journal of Faculty of Architecture (JFA), METU, Faculty of Architecture, Ankara.
2016-March, Referee for the Internaitonal Journal of Turkish Studies, Ankara, Turkey.
2016-March, Referee for Antipode, the Journal of Radical Geography, UK.
2015-January/December, Referee for the Journal of Faculty of Architecture (JFA), METU, Faculty of Architecture, Ankara.
2014-April, Scientific Committee Member fort the "Unspoken Issues in Architectural Education/Mimarlık Eğitiminde Konuşulmayanlar" Conference, 3-4 April, EMU-Cyprus, Famagusta.
2013-October, Scientific Committee Member fort he “Is-it-Real?; structuring reality by means of sign”, International Semiotic Conference, 8-10 October, Çankaya University, Ankara.
2013-June Referee for NPT_New Perspective Turkey, İstanbul.
2013-June, Referee for İdeal Kent (İdeal City_A Journal of Urban Culture), Ankara.
2013-March, Referee for MEGAROM, The e-Journal of Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, İstanbul.
2013-February, Referee for the Journal of Architecture, RIBA, London.
2013-February, Referee for The Journal of Mülkiye, The Journal of Ankara University, Political Science Department, Ankara.
2013-February, The Examining Jury Member for Tenure Positions, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Faculty of Architecture, İstanbul.
2012-September The Examining Committee Member for the National Students’ Competition on City, İmage, Commodity (Kent, İmge, Meta Konulu Öğrenci Yarışması), organized by Mimarlar Derneği-1927, Ankara.
2011-Present, Member of the Editorial Board of MEGARON – The E-Journal of YTU, İstanbul.
2011-September, Referee for the JOA – Journal of Architecture, London.
2011-September, Referee for JoHG – Journal of Historical Geographies, London.
2011-September, Referee for CITIES, London.
2011-September, The Examining Committee Member for the National Students’ Competition on Modernity and New Utopia (Modernite ve Yeni-Ütopya Konulu Öğrenci Yarışması), organized by Mimarlar Derneği-1927, Ankara.
2009-September / 2010-May, Scientific Committee Member for the International Sustainable Buildings Symposium, Gazi University, Ankara.
2009-September, Referee for the JOA – Journal of Architecture, London.
2009-September, Scientific Committee Member of the Architecture and Education Symposium (Mimarlık ve Eğitim Sempozyumu, Bilimsel Danışma Kurulu Üyesi), Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
2008-Referee for The TÜBİTAK Project, Ankara.
2008-November, Scientific Committee Member for the 3rd International Design and Cinema Conference, Design & Cinema 2008, the 19-22 of November, İstanbul.
2006- Scientific Committee Member for the Built Environment and Information Technologies Conference, Ankara.
2005-May / December, Referee for Gazi University, the Journal of the Faculty of Engineering-Architecture (GÜ Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi), Gazi University, Ankara.
2004-May / December, Referee for Gazi University, the Journal of the Faculty of Engineering-Architecture (GÜ Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi), Gazi University, Ankara.
2002-December, Referee for History and Society, Monthly Socialist Culture Journal (Tarih ve Toplum, Aylık Sosyalist Kültür Dergisi), İletişim Yayınları, Ankara.
2000-December, Referee for “Identity and Architecture” Session for ACSA International Conference Istanbul: Oriental-Occidental: Geography, Identity, Space, held in 2001 June, Istanbul.
Refereeing – Architectural Competitions
2015-August | December, Jury Member for the National Architectural Competation of “Yerinde ve Yerlisiyle Kentsel İyileştirme Projesi, Küçük Armutlu, İstanbul, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ulusal Fikir Yarışması.
2014-February, Jury Member for the National Architectural Competation of Kemal Kurdaş Memorial Tomb, Ankara.
2012-September, Jury Member for the National Architectural Students Competition: Olcay Ünlü Sayın/Children Friendly Designs/Best Practices, Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, Ankara.
2012-February, 2007-May, Jury Member for the National Architectural Students Competition: Social Mass Housing, Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, Ankara.
2011- December, Jury Member for the National Architectural Competition of Adana-Çukurova Municipality Civic and Cultural Center, Adana.
2011- March, Jury Member for the Architectural Competition of METU Students Dormitories, Ankara.
2010- November, Jury Member for the National Architectural Competition of the Ulvi Cemal Erkin Concert Hall, Çankaya Municipality, Ankara.
2010- June, Jury Member for the National Architectural Competition of METU Students’ Center, Ankara.
2008- May, Mimed 2008 Society of Architectural Education, Student Awards (mimed 2008 Mimarlık Eğitimi Derneği Öğrenci Ödülleri Jüri Üyesi), İstanbul.
2007- November, Jury Member for the International Architectural Competition of METU Northern Cyprus Campus Student Dormitory, Ankara.
2007- August, Member for the National Architectural Competition: İpekyolu Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı Eğitim Kurumları, Ankara.
2007-May, Jury Member for the National Architectural Students Competition: Ulucanlar Cezaevi, Ankara.
2007-February, Jury Member for the National Architectural Competition of The Lake Sapanca Recreational Development, Arifiye.
2003-November, Jury Member for the National Competition of METU Northern Cyprus Campus, Environmental Design, Ankara.
2002/2003-November/April, Jury Member for the International Architectural Competition of METU Northern Cyprus Campus Presidential, Library and Computer Center, Ankara.
Commentary Papers
2005-October, “Kent Üzerine Notlar: 4 (Notes on Urbanism: 4)”, Arkitera (Online Architectural Magazine), http://www.arkitera.com/koseyazisi/.
2005-September, “Kent Üzerine Notlar: 3 (Notes on Urbanism: 3)”, Arkitera (Online Architectural Magazine), http://www.arkitera.com/koseyazisi/.
2005-June, “Modern Başkente bir Kapı: TAV-Ankara Esenboğa Havalimanı (A Gate to Modern Capital City: TAV-Ankara Esenboğa Airport”, Uçuş Noktası (Aerospace Magazine), Ankara, p.29.
2005-February, “Mimari Program ve Kentsel Tasarım: 8 (Architectural Program and Urban Design: 8)”, Yeni Mimar (Monthly Gazette of Architecture Culture), Depo Yayıncılık, İstanbul, p.6.
2005-February, “Mimari Program ve Kentsel Tasarım: 7 (Architectural Program and Urban Design: 7)”, Yeni Mimar (Monthly Gazette of Architecture Culture), Depo Yayıncılık, İstanbul, p.5.
2004-December, “Mimari Program ve Kentsel Tasarım: 6 (Architectural Program and Urban Design: 6)”, Yeni Mimar (Monthly Gazette of Architecture Culture), Depo Yayıncılık, İstanbul, p.5.
2004-November, “Mimari Program ve Kentsel Tasarım: 5 (Architectural Program and Urban Design: 5)”, Yeni Mimar (Monthly Gazette of Architecture Culture), Depo Yayıncılık, İstanbul, p.5.
2004-October, “Mimari Program ve Kentsel Tasarım: 4 (Architectural Program and Urban Design: 4)”, Yeni Mimar (Monthly Gazette of Architecture Culture), Depo Yayıncılık, İstanbul, p.5.
2004-September, “Kent Üzerine Notlar: 2 (Notes on Urbanism: 2)”, Arkitera (Online Architectural Magazine), http://www.arkitera.com/koseyazisi/.
2004-September, “Mimari Program ve Kentsel Tasarım: 3 (Architectural Program and Urban Design: 3)”, Yeni Mimar (Monthly Gazette of Architecture Culture), Depo Yayıncılık, İstanbul, p.5.
2004-July, “Architectural Program and Urban Design: 2 (Mimari Program ve Kentsel Tasarım: 2)”, Yeni Mimar (Monthly Gazette of Architecture Culture), Depo Yayıncılık, İstanbul, p.5.
2004-June, “Mimari Program ve Kentsel Tasarım: 1 (Architectural Program and Urban Design: 1)”, Yeni Mimar (Monthly Gazette of Architecture Culture), Depo Yayıncılık, İstanbul, p.5.
2004-May, “Kent Üzerine Notlar: 1 (Notes on Urbanism: 1)”, Arkitera (Online Architectural Magazine), http://www.arkitera.com/koseyazisi/.
2003-September, “Sapkın Mekanlar (Marginal Spaces)”, Annex (Gazette for the Istanbul 2003 Biennale), No: 2, Hürriyet Yayınları, İstanbul, pp. 1-2.
2002-September, “Bellek ve Kültürel bir Beceri Olarak Anımsama (Memory and Remembrance as a Cultural Capacity)”, Arredamento Mimarlık (Journal of Design Culture), Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, pp. 81-2.
2001-October, “Şiddetin Estetiği, Kentin Kırılganlığı (The Esthetics of Violence, the Fragility of the City)”, Arredamento Mimarlık (Journal of Design Culture), Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, p.40.
2001-July, “Kentsel Çevre ve Siyaset (Urban Environments and Politics)”, 3-Haber (Journal of the Chamber of Turkish Architects-Bodrum Chapter), Muğla, p.12.
2001-March/April, “Nesnel Doğa, Sosyal Doğa (Material Nature, Social Nature)”, XXI Mimarlık Kültürü Dergisi (XXI, Journal of Architectural Culture), Ofset Yapımevi, Ankara, p.8.
1998-July/August, “Anytime Konferansı (Anytime Conference)”, Arredamento Mimarlık (Journal of Design Culture). Boyut Yayıncılık, İstanbul, p.42.
2008, ODTÜ-Kosova; ODTÜ Yerleşkesi Kurulması ile İlgili Bilgilendirme Notu (METU-Kosova; A Brief on Possible Metu Extension in Balkans (with Prof. Dr. Baykan Günay), Ankara.
2005-September, Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Alanı Değerlendirme Raporu (AKM Assesment Report), Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, Ankara.
2002, Urban Development Report for the City of Khartoum, Sudan (with Prof. Dr. Baykan Günay and Prof. Dr. Murat Güvenç), Ankara.
2001, Local Administrations and Cities Commission Report for the Eight Five-Year-Development Plan (with Prof. Dr. Canâ Bilsel), Devlet Plânlama Teşkilatı, Sekizinci 5 Yıllık Kalkınma Plânı “Yerel Yönetimler ve Kentler Komisyonu”, Ankara.
1992, New Visions For the Kickapoo: Regional Design Proposals for Future Development (with Prof. Dr. Fahriye Sancar, Prof. Dr. Hanque Macari, Prof. Dr. Todd Barman, Inst. Dr. Korkut Onaran), Unpublished Planing Report, Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Wisconsin at Madison.
Research Projects
2014-2015, DOSAP: “Kamusal Açık Mekanın Üretimi: Kentsel Su Koridorları için Kavramsal bir Çerçeve ve Türkiye için Güncel bir Modül Önerisi,” [with Asst. Prof. Dr. Bige Şimşek İlhan], METU, Department of Architecture.
2012-2014, DOSAP: “The Impact of Neo-liberal Policies on Cultural and Historical Sites of Ankara,” [with Asst. Prof. Dr. Duygu Kaçar], METU, Department of Architecture.
2012-14, “BAP Projesi: ODTÜ Mimarlık Bölümü Web-Sitesinin (ArchWeb) Oluşturulması”, Project Manager, Metu Department of Architecture.
2005-08, “Türk Modernleşmesinin Çevresel Tarihi: Batı Kaynaklı Çevresel Söylemlerin, Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Kentsel Üretim Süreçlerine Hegemonik Etkisi, 1923-1960 (Environmental History of Turkish Modernism: The Hegemony of Western Environmental Discourses on the Urbanities of the Early Republican Period, 1923-1960)”, Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Institution, TÜBİTAK-Ankara.
2004-06, “Bilgi ve Dokümantasyon Merkezi Yeniden Yapılanma Projesi (Information and Documentation Center Re-Structuring Project)”, Project Manager, METU, Department of Architecture.
2003-04, “Arnavutluk, Pogradec Kent Merkezi İyileştirme Projesi (Albania, Pogradec City Center Redevelopment Project)”, Project Manager, METU, Department of Architecture.
Public Seminars
2015-October, “Küçük Armutlu: Yerinde ve Yerlisiyle Kentsel İyileştirme, İstanbul”, ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi, Kubbealtı, 07 October, 2015.
2014-November, “Risk Altındaki Alanlar: Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Alanları Paneli”, Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, 28 November 2014.
2014-May, “Mamak Gecekondu Halkıyla Söyleşi: Kentli/Barınma Hakkı, İktidarların, Tekeline/İnsafına/Siyasetine Terk Edilemez”, Atılım Üniversitesi Mimarlık Bölümü İnisiyatifi Mamak Buluşması, Ankara.
2014-March, “Ankara.Kent.Atlası (Urban Atlas, Ankara)”, Atılım Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Fakültesi, Ankara.
2012-December, “Praxis: Can Architecture be Socially Responsible?” Girne American University, Cyprus, 04 December.
2012- November, “Kentsel Okuma Üzerine bir Yöntemsel Deneme: Ankara Kent Atlası”, Eskişehir Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir.
2011-December, “Ankara.Kent.Atlası (Urban Atlas, Ankara)”, Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Fakültesi, Magosa.
2011-December, “Mimarlık Yarışmaları Üzerine Değerlendirme (Assesment of Architectural Competation)”, Eskişehir Osman Gazi Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Bölümü, Eskişehir.
2010-September, “A Critical Mapping of the European Higher Architectural Education Area”, 12th EAAE-ENHSA Meeting, Chania.
2009-April, “Sinan Ödüllü Mimarlar Programı 1: Ziya Tanalı Mimarlığı 1965-2009 (The Architecture of Ziya Tanalı)”, TMMOB Mimarlara Odası, Ankara.
2008-December, “Mimarlık ve Kentsel Program Tasarımı: ODTÜ Mimarlık Bölümü Deneyimi (Architecture and Urban Program Design: METU, Department of Architecture’s Experience), İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi, Güzel Sanatlar ve Tasarım Fakültesi, İzmir.
2007-October, “Aklında Ne Var? Mimarlığın Sosyal Forumuna Doğru (What do You Have in Your Mind?)”, Mimarlara Odası Ankara Şubesi, Ankara.
2007-July, Mimarlık ve İdeoloji II (Architecture and Ideology II)”, Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, Ankara.
2007-March, “Mimarlık ve İdeoloji I (Architecture and Ideology I)”, Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, Ankara.
2007-February, “The Brief History of AKM”, Gazi University, School of Architecture’s International Winter School, Ankara.
2006-June, “The Environmental History of Turkish Modernism: Ankara”, TUDelft, Faculty of Architecture, Delft.
2006-March, Kent Çalışmaları: Ankara’nın Vizyonunu Kurmak / AKM Alanı (Urban Studies, Ankara Vision), Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, Ankara.
2005-December, “Kamusal Alanın Doğası (The Nature of Public Sphere)”, Kayseri Erciyes Üniversitesi – Yozgat Yerleşkesi, Yozgat.
2005-December, “Ankaranın Kamusal Alanları (Ankara’s Public Spaces)”, Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi, Sosyoloji Bölümü, İstanbul.
2005-November, “Ötekinin Gözüyle Ankara’yı Kurmak: Sovyet Propaganda Sinemasında Devrimci Bellek Kaybı ve Anımsama (Constructing Ankara Through the Other’s Eye: Revolutionary Amnesia and Remembrance in Soviet Propaganda Cinema ), Mimarlar Derneği-1927, Ankara.
2005-October, “Architectural Design and Urban Programming”, The University of Applied Science, School of Architecture, Bochum.
2003-March, “Le Corbusier: Modernite ve Öncülük (Le Corbusier: Modernity and Avand-Gardism)”, YKY, İstanbul.
2002-October, “Kızılay: bir alt-kültür kamusallığı (Kızılay: a subaltern public sphere)”, Çankaya Üniversitesi, İç Mimarlık Bölümü, Ankara.
2002-March, “Kent ve Kamusal Alan (City and Public Sphere)”, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Bölümü, Eskişehir.
2001-March, “Doğanın Sosyal Kurgusu ve Mimarlık (Social Construction of Nature and Architecture)”, Mimarlar Odası Bodrum Temsilciliği.
1999-May, “Notes on Memories, and Identities: The Monuments of Ankara”, Faculty of Architecture, METU
1996-October, “The Power of Myth in Constructing Environmental Discourse”, Faculty of Architecture, METU
Administrative Duties
2012-April / 2014-May, Vice-President of the Chamber of Architects (Mimarlar Odası İkinci Başkanı), Ankara
2009-December / December 2015, Member of the Advisory Board of MiAK_Architecture Accredition Board of Turkey (MiAK_Mimarlık Akreditasyon Kurulu), Ankara.
2006-May / 2010-March, Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of SMGM_ Center for Continues Education (Surekli Mesleki Gelişim Merkezi), Tmmob Mimarlar Odası (The Chamber of Architects of Turkey), Ankara.
2008-February / March-2010, Member of the Administrative Board of the Chamber of Architects, Ankara Chapter (Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi).
2006-December 2007, Member of the Administration Board of the ODTÜ-Öğretim Elemanları Derneği (METU—Association of University Academic Personnel), Ankara.
2006-February / 2008-February, Vice-President of the Chamber of Architects, Ankara Chapter (Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi).
2005-April / 2008-September, Member of the Administrative Board of METU Press (ODTÜ Yayınevi Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi), Ankara.
2003-October / 2005-October Academic Coordinator of the Faculty Archive (Mimarlık Fakültesi Bilgi ve Belgeleme Merkezi Akademik Koordinatörü), METU, Faculty of Architecture.
2000-December / 2007-February, Member of the Continuous Publications Commission (Süreli Yayınlar Komisyonu), METU, Department of Architecture.
2000-Present, Member of the Administration Board of SANART_Estetik ve Görsel Kültür Derneği, (SANART_The Association of Aesthetics and Visual Culture Association), Ankara.
2000-February, “Devlet Plânlama Teşkilatı, Sekizinci 5 Yıllık Kalkınma Plânı “Yerel Yönetimler ve Kentler Komisyonu” Üyesi (State Planning Agency, Member of the Local Administrations and Cities Commission for the Eight Five-Year-Development Plan)”, Ankara.
1998-June / 2007-February, Member of the Graduate Program Examination Committee (Yüksek Lisans Değerlendirme Komitesi), METU, Department of Architecture.
1999-April / 2001-July, Member of the Faculty Publication Committee, MfY Press (Fakülte Yayın Kurulu), METU, Faculty of Architecture.
Thesis Supervision_PhD
2013-May, Sayfiye To Banlieue: Suburban Landscape Around Anatolian Railways (From Mid-Nineteenth Century To World War II), Ebru Aras, METU Department of Architecture.
2007-May, Remembering and Forgetting in the Funerary Architecture of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk: The Construction and Maintenance of National Memory, Christopher Samuel Wilson, Ph.D. Thesis Advisor, METU Department of Architecture.
Thesis Supervision_Master’s
2016-February, Bordering Practice and Territoriality: Examining Islamabad and New Delhi, by Ali Arslan Pasha Sıddıqui, [Co-Advisor Aydan Balamir], METU, Department of Architecture.
2015-December, Spatial Impromptu As A Public Space Within Urban Rebellions, by Burcu Ateş, METU Department of Architecture.
2015-September, Political And Social Construction Of Space: Textual Attitude In Visual Narrative, by Emrah Yergin, METU Department of Architecture.
2015-September, Environmental And Internal Dynamics Of Mixed-Use Projects, by Emre Uğur, METU Department of Architecture.
2015-June, Maskane Mehr, A Mass-Housing Policy In Iran, by Muhammad Javad Shahri, [Co-Advisor Aydan Balamir], METU Department of Architecture.
2014-September, Tracing the Hegemonic and Counter-hegemonic Influences of Struggle over Ideology Presented on Space: A Case Study on Christian Ghetto in Jolfa District, İsfahan, by Paria Valizadeh, METU, Department of Architecture
2014-September, Modes of Urbanisation: Changing Paradigms in Architecture at Urban Scale, by Seda Türk, METU Department of Architecture.
2014-September, Mobility in Architecture, as an Invisible Dimesion, by Ezgi Balkanay, METU, Department of Architecture.
2014-June, The Role of Politics on Mosque Architecture, by Elif Karaelmas, METU Department of Architecture.
2014-February, The Factory of Fetishism: The City, by Pınar Yüksel, METU, Department of Architecture.
2014-February, The Search of Politics and Space: Italian Neo-ralism and the Representation of the City after World-war II, by Berrak Erdal, METU, Department of Architecture.
2014-February, Ekistics Re-visited: Re-handling the City as an Anthropo-Cosmos, by Melodi Pak, METU Department of Architecture.
2014-February, Tension at Terminal; Universal and Particular?, by Ömer Burak Polat, METU, Department of Architecture.
2013-May, Shopping Malls In Ankara As The New Non-Places Of The Generic Capital City, by Serdar Erişen, METU Department Of Architecture.
2012-May, Between IKEA and Bauhaus, by Ezgi Başaran, METU Department of Architecture.
2011-December, An Inquiry on Bourgeois Conception of Social Housing Program for Working-Class: Karl Marx Hof in Vienna, by İlknur Sudas, METU, Department of Architecture.
2011-September, The Transformation of Public Space: City Squares as Locations for Power Struggle – The Case of Tehran (1934-2009), by Zohreh Sultani, METU, Department of Architecture.
2011-September, Literary Spaces as the Representation of Dominant Ideologies in the Context of Dystopias Written Between 1920-1950, by Rabia Çiğdem Çavdar, METU, Department of Architecture.
2011-June, Modern Urban Utopias and the Case of Dubai, by Esin Soydemir Gökçek, METU, Department of Architecture.
2011- June, Rereading Urban Form in Tehran since the 1920s; in the Case of Valiasr Street, by Nikou Raassi, METU Department of Architecture.
2011-March, On Critique of Architectural Image: Reading Jean Nouvel Through Jean Baudrillard, by İrem Uslu, METU Department of Architecture
2010-February, Becoming a NeoLiberal City: Ankara North Entrance Urban Transformation Project, by Nazlı Ayşe Gümüş, METU Department of Architecture.
2010-February, Urban Transformation: Section at Minus, by Ezgi Erol, METU, Department of Architecture.
2009-December, Cinematic Representation of Gecekondu as an Urban Memory, by Vildan Seckiner, METU, Department of City and Regional Planning, Urban Design Program.
2009-June, Architecture Ideology, Representation: Party Headquarters as a new Mode in Representing Power Since the 1980’s, by Fadime Yılmaz, METU, Department of Architecture.
2009- January, The Architect: “Vedat Dalokay” as a Social Agent, by Burcu Suzan, METU, Department of Architecture
2008-August, Density as a Transformative Power of Architecture: Milletvekili Lojmanları / Park Oran Konutları, by Evrim Özlem Kale, METU, Department of Architecture.
2008-August, Transformations of Urban Sphere: Hacibayram Square and Its Environment, Ankara, by Sinem Yardımcı, METU Department of Architecture.
2008-June, Urban Transformation of a Socialist City: A Case Study of East Berlin – Alexanderplatz, by Dilra Nazli Eriç, METU, Department of Architecture.
2008-February, İstanbul: An Urban Panoptican, by Özge Özden, METU, Department of Architecture.
2007-December, Designing a New Architectural Program: The Norms and Attributes of Regional Airports – Kütahya-Afyonkarahisar-Uşak, by Aslı Apaydın, METU, Department of Architecture.
2007-May, Graffiti and Urban Space in Istanbul, by Hatice Özlem Sarıyıldız, METU, Department of Architecture
2006-January, Locating the Structure-Agency Dichotomy in Architecture: Worker’s Club as a Type of Social Condenser in the Soviets 1917-32 by Hasan İsben Önen, METU, Department of Architecture.
2005-December, Production of Space in Post-earthquake Region: Three Cases from Düzce by Sinem Demirel, METU Department of Architecture.
2005-January, The Transformation of Urban Space at the Conjunction of the Old and New Districts: The City of Aleppo, by Ebru Aras Miroğlu, METU, Department of City and Regional Planning, Urban Design Program.
2004-December, The Transformative Role of Representational Media within the Context of Contemporary Housing: The Gated Enclaves of Ankara and Consumer Cultue, by Alper Öden, METU, Department of Architecture.
2004-September, Ankara Hippodrome: The National Celebrations of Early Republican Turkey; 1923-1938, by Diler Özdemir, METU, Department of Architecture.
2004-September, Urban Spaces Re-defined in Daily Practices; The Case of “Minibar”, Ankara, by Deniz Altay, METU, Department of City and Regional Planning, Urban Design Program.
2003-September, Locating Thirdspace in the Specificities of Urban: A Case Study on Saturday Mothers, in İstiklal Street İstanbul, by Evren Kocabıçak, METU, Department of Architecture.
2003-September, Deterritorialization and New Approaches to Urban Space, by Ozan Karaman, METU, Department of Architecture.
2003-January, Modernity and Environmental History: Jansen’s Ankara Plan, by Güvenç Karamustafa, METU Department of Architecture.
2002-December, A Search on the Social Production of Urban Parks in Western Cities, by Bige Şimşek, METU, Department of City and Regional Planning, Urban Design Program.
2002-April, Time and Modernity in Turkish Context: Clock Towers, Squares and Public Sphere in the Case of Yozgat, by Nakşiye Pınar Köker, METU, Department of Architecture.
2002-January, Reading Manfredo Tafuri: Architecture and Utopia — Design and Capitalist Development, by Zeynep Tuna, METU Department of Architecture (Awarded by the Chamber of Architects of Turkey).
2002-December, Searching for the Avant-Garde in the Turkish Context: The Hıfzısıhha Enstitüsü, by Kıvanç Kılınç, METU Department of Architecture.
2001-September, Constructing the Enclosed Garden in Urban Context: Jean Nouvel’s Cartier Building, by Günseli Hatice Filiz, METU, Department of Architecture.
2001—June, Ulus Square as a Representational Form of Collective Memory, by İnci Yalım, METU, Department of Architecture.
2001—March, Representations of Space and Representational Typologies within the Historical Center of İzmir, by Ayşe Deniz Temiz, METU, Department of City and Regional Planning, Urban Design Program.
2001—December, Urban Space and Everyday Practice: The Case of Yüksel Pedestrian District, by Tonguç Akış, METU Department of Architecture.
2000—September, Hegemonic Struggle within the Reproduction of Public Space: Domination and Appropriation in and of Kızılay Square, by Bülent Batuman, METU, Department of Architecture.
2000—September, The New Urban Segregation; The Rise of Gated Enclaves in İstanbul, by Emre Gönlügür, METU, Department of City and Regional Planning, Urban Design Program.
Thesis Co-Supervision_Master’s
2015-December, Changing Publicness of Urban Parks Through Time; The Case of GüvenPark, Ankara, by Aslıhan Yılmaz [Advisor: Funda Baş Bütüner], METU Department of Architecture.
2015-June, A Critical Evaluation Of The Urban Transformation In Çukurambar since the Late 1980s, by Gerta Ajazi, [Advisor: Agnaes Van Der Meij], METU Department of Architecture.
2014-Commodification of Place Under Late-Capitalism through Transforming Architectural Practices, by Hamza Utku Karakaya, (Advisor: Cana Bilsel), METU Department of Architecture.
2014-A New Ontological Approach to Urban Form, by Ensar Temizel [Advisor: Cana Bilsel], METU, Department of Architecture.
2013-June, Reconstructing “The Collective Body” Of Walter Benjamin At The Verge Of The 21st Century, by Seçil Binboğa, [Advisor, Jale Erzen], METU Department of Architecture.
2008-September, Spatial Memory of Electrification in Early Republican Capital, Ankara, Övgü Pelen, [Advisor: Ali Cengizkan], METU, Department of Architecture.
2008-September, Transformation of an Urban “Vector”: Eskişehir Highway, Ankara, Tuğba Tekin, [Advisor: Ali Cengizkan], METU, Department of Architecture.
2008-May, Impacts of Policies after 1980 on Public Buildings: The “Unoccupied” Buildings of Emlakbank, Sumerbank and Tekel in Ulus in Ankara, Ozge Sahin, (Advisor: Berin Gür), METU, Department of Architecture.
2005-January, A Historical and Social Analysis of an Urban Transformation: Akay Junction in Ankara, by Çağlayan Sönmez, [Advisor: Selahattin Önür], METU Department of Architecture.
National and International Organizations — Conferences, Seminars, Exhibitions and Workshops
2015-April, “Fil Kafesi | Koepel Breda, International Workshop on Breda Panoptican” by Tsmd and Architectuur Lokaal, Breda + Rotterdam + Amsterdam, 26-29 April.
2015-March, “Devrimci Mimarlık ya da Yeni bir Toplumcu Mimarlık”, Mimarlık Semineri 1969 | Mimarlık Semineri 2015, Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükkent Şubesi, İstanbul, 5-7 March.
2014-May, 101+ | MOBBİG 38, Mİmarlık Okulları Bölüm Başkanları İletişim Grubu Yıllık Toplantısı, Ankara.
2011-May, International Workshop with the University of Westminster, London on Smart Cities: A student Architectural Competition for the 2012 Rotterdam Architectural Biennale, 5-22 May, London.
2010-May, An International Workshop with the University of Westminster, London on Urban Utopia: Politically Uncanny, held in Westminster University, 02-09 May, London.
2010-January, An International Workshop with the University of Westminster, London on Place Identity and Social Inclusion, held in METU, Department of Architecture, 23-28 January, Ankara.
2009-November, Conference Committee Member, Architecture and Education Convention, held in İstanbul (Kültür University).
2008-September, International Exhibition Organizer: Contemporary Turkish Architecture, held in Moscow, Russian Federation.
2008-May, Hayatım: Vehbi Koç Sergisi/Bir Yüzyılın Hikayesi, İstanbul Koç Museum (With Ayşen Savaş and Can Dündar).
2007-October, Conference Committee Member, Architecture and Education Convention, held in Ankara.
2007-June, Conference Organizer International Aesthetic Congress, SANART- Bridging the Cultures, held in Ankara.
2006-October, Symposium Organizer, Aesthetic in Turkey, International Symposium of SANART, held in Ankara.
2006-July, Panel Organizer, Association for Cultural Studies Crossroad Conference at İstanbul Bilgi University.
2006-May/June, Backside of the City; Solutions for a Problematic Area in the Ruhr-Metropole, International Workshop in Bochum-Germany, Member of the Project Group.
2006-May, Hayatım: Vehbi Koç Sergisi/Bir Yüzyılın Hikayesi, Ankara Contemporary Art Center (With Ayşen Savaş and Can Dündar).
2005-October, Exhibition: Architectural Design Studio Works; Urban Programming, The Applied Science University, School of Architecture, Bochum.
2003-Ekim, Member of the Organization Committee, Cumhuriyetin 80nci Yılında Türkiye Kültürü (Turkish Culture in the 80th Anniversary of Republic): National Symposium of SANART, held in Ankara.
2002-May, Member of the Organization Committee, Arts and Social Engagement: International Symposium of SANART, held in Ankara.
2000-May, Member of the Organization Committee, Heracles Programme: International Exhibition and Conference, held in Ankara.
2000-January/February/March, Member of the Project Group for TEPE Company Groups’ 2000 Celebrations, Ankara.
1999-Spring Semester, Coordinator of Monday Talks: “Public Seminar Series on Off-Academia and Architectural Practice, held in Faculty of Architecture.
1998-June, Member of the Organization Committee, Anytime Conference held in Ankara, June 15-17th, Turkey
1990-July, Assistant Member of the Organization Committee, 11. IAPS Conference: Culture Space History, held in Ankara.
Architectural Works and Advisories (Selected)
2007 Ocak – 2007 December, İpekyolu Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı Eğitim Kurumları, Ankara.
2002, Grand Egyptian Museum Architectural Competition Entry, (With Ayşen Savaş, Namık Erkal, Alper Öden), Ankara, Designer.
2000, TESKOMB Office Complex Architectural Competition Entry, (With Halûk Zelef and Tülin Çetin), Ankara, Turkey, Designer.
1997-1998, Turkish Military Academy, Campus Renovation Projects, Ankara, Turkey, Designer.
1989, New Acropolis Museum Architectural Competition Entry, (with Can Çinici), Athens-Greece, Designer.
1989, Housing Project in Black Sea Region, (with Cem Aslantaş), Turkey, Designer.
1988, A Building Complex for the Natural Gas and Petroleum Engineering, METU Campus, Ankara, Turkey, Design Assistant, Designer Prof. Dr. Haluk Pamir.
1987, Urban Project for the Renovation of Historical City-Center, Competition Entry, (with Cüneyt Budak and Zafer Akay), Bursa, Turkey, Designer.
1987, Environmental Planning of TAI Complex [Turkish Aerospace Industries], Ankara, Turkey, Design Assistant, Designer Prof. Dr. Haluk Pamir.
1986, Commercial Cultural Center, Competition Entry, (with Fatih Öz, Ayşe Köse, Levent Özhekim), Samsun, Turkey, Designer.
2014—Present, Member of World EKISTICS Association
2007—Present, Member of OMIM; Mimarlık Fakültesi İletişim Merkezi
2002—Present, Member of EĞİTİMSEN; Union of Educators
2000—Present, Member of SANART; Association of Aesthetics and Visual Culture
2000—Present, Member of METU; Association of University Academic Personnel
1999—Present, Member of Architects Associations 1927
1986—Present, Member of Chamber of Architects of Turkey