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Prof. Dr. Suna GüvenB.A., Wellesley College; M.A., Ph.D., Cornell University. Fields of interest: Greek, Roman and Byzantine architecture, art and architecture of Italy, Greece, Asia, Cyprus; Latin architecture in the medieval East, memory, acculturation, imaging |
1983 Doctor of Philosophy, Cornell University (Architectural History)
1980 Master of Arts, Cornell University, (Architectural History)
1977 Bachelor of Arts, Wellesley College, (Architectural Studies)
1980-1981 American School of Classical Studies in Athens, Greece (Associate Member)
1975-1977 Wellesley College / M.I.T. Exchange Program
2000 Professor
1992 Associate Professor
1985 Assistant Professor
1983-1984 Instructor, Higher Technological Institute, North Cyprus
1982-1983 Instructor, Cornell University, USA
2001-2004 Board member, Society of Architectural Historians, USA
2001-Present, METU Faculty of Architecture Executive Board (Prof. Representative)
2001-2007,1995-1998 Head, Program in History of Architecture, METU
1997-1999 Ministry of Culture Ankara Board for the Protection of Cultural and Natural Property
1991-1994 Assistant Chair, Department of Architecture, METU
2001 Fellow, Salzburg Seminar, Austria. Session 230: Function andFuture of Museums
Recent Research and Publications
2010 “Constructing the Past in Ankara: From Augustus to Atatürk” in Perceptions of the Past in the Turkish Republic: Classical and Byzantine Periods, ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement 31, eds. Scott Redford and Nina Ergin, Peeters, Leuven, Paris, Walpole,MA. pp. 35-54.
2010 “Ankara’da Geçmişi İnşa Etmek: Augustus’tan Atatürk’e” Cumhuriyet Döneminde Geçmişe Bakış Açıları: Klasik ve Bizans Dönemleri Ninae Ergin, Scott Redford, der. Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları,İstanbul, s.49-71.
2010 “Travelling Ideas: Fortified Nicosia in the 16th Century” Abstracts of Papers,63rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, Chicago, p.64.
2011 “Triumph over Nature: The Roman Monumental Fountain in Miletus” Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Society of Architecturl Historians, New Orleans, Louisiana, 13-17 April 2011, Abstract, p.76.
2012 “St. Sophia: From a Lusignan Cathedral to an Ottoman Mosque” Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 65th Annual Conference of Society of Architectural Historians, Detroit, Michigan, April 18-22, 2012, p. 149
2012 “Antik Yunan Vazo Betimlemelerinde Zaman ve Mekan Algısı” in Türkiye’de Arkeometrinin Ulu Çınarları Prof.Dr. Ay Melek Özer ve Prof.Dr.Şahinde Demirci’ye Armağan (To Honor of Eminent Contributors to Archaeometry in Turkey), Homer Kitabevi, Ankara, pp. 219-228.
2012 “Ankara’nın Taşına Bak: Kentsel Bellek ve Süreklilik Üzerine” Cumhuriyet’in Ütopyası: Ankara, der. Funda Cantek, Ankara Üniversitesi Yayınevi, Ankara, s. 32-41.
Doctoral Theses Supervisions
2010 Fatma Gül Öztürk, A Comparative Architectural Investigation of the Middle Byzantine Courtyard Complexes in Açıksaray – Cappadocia: Questions of Monastic and Secular Settlement(Winner, M. Parlar Prize)
M.A. Theses Supervisions
2013 Mehmet Salih Yıldırım, Experiencing the Ancient Greek Theatre: A Perpective on Interpreting the An cient greek and roman Theatre through Reflections from the Space of the Performer
2012 Ayça Köseoğlu, Changing Context of Olympic Statues in Greece and Rome
2012 Ayşe Bike Baykara, The Entertainment Structures in Roman Pergamum
2012 Öncü Güney, Investigating the House-church in Dura-Europos: Production of Social Space
2011 Yunus Çetin, Beyond Built form: The Colosseum
2011 Aygün Kalınbayrak, Elite Benefaction in Roman Asia Minor: The Case of Plancia Magna in Perge
2011 Ümran Kavak Keskin, Afterlives of Hagia Sophia:The Change in the Official Attitudes Towards Preserving Antiquities in the Late Ottoman and Early Republican Periods
2011 Özgür Öztürk, A Digital Reconstruction of Visual Experience and the Sebasteion of Aphrodisias