Ela Alanyalı Aral, Assoc. Prof. Dr.

B.Arch., M.Arch., Ph.D., METU.
room: 409 phone: (210) 6207 

Fields of interest: architectural design, urban design, public space, sub-spaces along urban roads, creative mapping in architecture, visual structuring of urban form, Phrygian Ankara.

T. Elvan Altan, Prof. Dr.

[Advisor to the Chairperson]

B.Arch., M.A., METU; Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton.
room: 69 phone: (210) 2233 

Fields of interest: 19th and 20th century architecture, modern architecture, architecture in late Ottoman Empire and Republican Turkey, social production of the built environment, architectural historiography

Bekir Özer Ay, Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., METU.
room: 404 phone: (210) 6203 

Personal Webpage

Fields of interest: Assessing earthquake damage and loss, Characteristics of Turkish residential buildings, Temporary post-disaster shelter design, Tall building structural systems, Selection and scaling of ground-motion records, Seismic interaction of structural and nonstructural members, Seismically isolated structures, Uncertainty in ground motion prediction models, Earthquake caused damage to industrial facilities.

Pınar Aykaç, Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

[Associate Dean]

B.Arch., M.Sc. METU; Ph.D., UCL Bartlett School of Architecture.
room: 408 phone: (210) 6205

Field of interest: interpretation and presentation of heritage places, culture-led urban regeneration, museum’s role in heritage conservation, museumification, heritage politics.

İnci Basa, Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., M.Arch., Ph.D., METU.
room: 25 phone: (210) 2246

Personal Webpage

Fields of interest: production of urban space; urban culture; early republican Ankara, architectural discourse and theory; discourse analysis; language and architecture relationship

Funda Baş Bütüner, Assoc.Prof.Dr.

[Department Vice Chair]

B.LAUD, Bilkent University; M.C.R.P., Ph.D., METU.
room: 24, phone: (210) 2245

Fields of interest: urban landscape, urban design, landscape-based urbanism, infrastructural urbanism, urban edges, interfacial urban/landscape spaces, urban nature/wilderness, post-industrial and post-infrastructural lands, deep urbanism and site reading

A. Güliz Bilgin Altınöz, Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., M.S., Ph.D., METU. 
room:409 phone: (210) 6207  

Fields of interest: conservation and planning of multi; layered towns;  Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and heritage information management in conservation of cultural heritage;  urban archaeology; Bergama (Pergamon);  conservation, planning and management of historic urban sites and archaeological sites; utilization of information technologies in different phases of conservation / restoration studies and education

F. Cânâ Bilsel, Prof. Dr. 

[Coordinator - Graduate Program in Architecture]

B.Arch., M.Arch., METU; DEA Geographie et Sociologie Urbaine, Universite de Paris X-Nanterre; DEA Ecole d’Architecture de Paris Belleville; Ph.D. Universite de Paris X-Nanterre. 

room: 70 phone: (210) 2218 

Fields of interest: architectural and urban design; theories of urban design and analysis of urban space/form; architectural and urban design in historical urban context; urban sociology, social practices in urban space and everyday life patterns; theories of public realm, public space, spatial practices and collective memory; urban history: late Ottoman and early Republican modernisation in Turkish cities; history of urbanism: ideologies, ideals and models

A. Berrin Çakmaklı, Assoc. Prof. Dr.

[Department Chair]

B.Arch., M.S., Ph.D., METU.
room: 24 phone: (210) 2245  

Field of interest: sustainability in architecture, energy efficiency of building materials, life cycle assesment of buildings and building materials, construction details

Hasan Okan Çetin, Inst.

[Assistant to the Dean]

B.Arch., M.Arch., METU.
room: 404 phone: (210) 6203

Filiz Diri Akyıldız, Specialist Dr.

B.Arch., Gazi University; M.S., Ph.D. METU.
room: 18 phone: (210) 2230

Fields of interest: conservation theory of tangible cultural heritage, construction techniques and process of traditional dwellings and historic public baths, advanced architectural documentation techniques

Ayşe Duman, Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., M.Arch., Ph.D., METU. 
room: 426 phone: (210) 6220 

Fields of interest: construction techniques and detailing; use of non-destructive investigation techniques for building diagnostics and monitoring and in-situ assessment: Infrared (IR) thermography, ultrasonic testing; building materials, their performance characteristics and decay mechanisms

Soofia Tahira Elias-Özkan, Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., M.S., Ph.D., METU.
room: 402 phone: (210) 4236

Fields of interest: recovery, reuse and recycling of building materials; deconstruction; sustainability in the built environment; ethical architecture; building performance simulations.

Arzu Gönenç Sorguç, Prof. Dr. 

[Coordinator - Graduate Program in Computational Design and Fabrication Technologies in Architecture]

B.S., M.S., Ph.D., METU.
room: 59 phone: (210) 2232  

Fields of interest: acoustics and noise control, computational design and fabrication technologies, biomimetics and computing, structural systems and design, environmental technologies, generative systems

Gizem Deniz Güneri Söğüt, Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

[Department Vice Chair]

B.Arch., METU; MsAUD, Columbia University GSAPP; Ph.D., METU.
room: 81 phone: 

Fields of interest: Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism, Methods of Spatial Analysis and Imagination, Spatial Agency

İpek Gürsel Dino, Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., Gazi University; M.Arch., METU; M.Sc., Carnegie Mellon University; Ph.D., Delft University of Technology.
room: 85 phone: (210) 7284  

Personal Webpage

Fields of interest: design computing, generative design systems, software modeling and development, building performance, building information modeling 

C. Abdi Güzer, Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., M.Arch., Ph.D., METU.
room: 67 phone: (210) 2212

Fields of interest: architectural design; architectural theory and criticism; education buildings; media; housing

Esin Kömez Dağlıoğlu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., M.Arch., METU; Ph.D., TU Delft.
room: 71 phone: (210) 2215 

Fields of interest: Post-war and Postmodern architectural history, theory and pedagogy, contemporary architectural and urban discourse, basic design education

Zeynep Mennan, Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., METU; CEAA (M.Arch.), Ecole d’Architecture Paris-Villemin; Ph.D., METU.
room: 58 phone: (210) 2228 

Fields of interest: architectural theory; philosophy; epistemology; critical theory; computational design research*

* Epistemic context and historical positioning of digital research in architecture. Formal and constructivist implications and outcomes of research in computational and cognitive sciences and studies on morphogenesis. Theories of complexity and formal hermeneutics. Non-standardization. Extensions of the mechanic and the organic traditions within the digital paradigm and historical continuity with modernist avant-gardes.

Özgün Özçakır, Assoc. Prof. Dr.

[Coordinator - Graduate Program in Conservation of Cultural Heritage]

B.Arch., M.Sc., Ph.D., METU.
room:408 phone: (210) 6205

Fields of interest: heritage values, heritage and sustainability, heritage impact assessment (HIA), adaptive reuse, approaches and strategies for intervention in heritage places

Lale Özgenel, Prof. Dr.

B.Arch., M.A., Ph.D., METU.
room: 66 phone: (210) 2235

Fields of interest: domestic architecture in antiquity,  history of house and daily life, housing studies, privacy studies, gender studies, medieval architecture

Ali Uzay Peker, Prof. Dr.

B.A., Istanbul University; M.A., Boğaziçi University; Ph.D., ITU.
room: 319 phone: (210) 6248

Fields of interest: Ancient Mesopotamia, Early Islamic, Seljuk and Ottoman Architecture, Occidentalism and Orientalism in Architecture, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (Baroque and Rococo), Exoticism, Iconography and Symbolism in Islamic and Christian Architecture, Cosmology (ancient and medieval)

M. Koray Pekeriçli, Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

[Coordinator - Graduate Program in Building Science]

B.Arch, METU; M.S., Ph.D., University of Reading, UK.
room: MATPUM 16 phone: (210) 7264

Fields of interest: IT in construction, information and knowledge management, decision support systems, social networks and process modelling

Ekin Pinar, Assist. Prof. Dr.

[Coordinator - Graduate Program in History of Architecture]

B.Arch., M.A., METU; M.A., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
room: phone: (210)

Fields of interest: history of modern and contemporary art and architecture; cinema studies; site-specific art; museum studies and institutional critique; expanded cinema and moving image exhibition practices and spaces; audio-visual essay and historiography; narrative space; sense of place in cinema, history and theory of animation; gender and sexuality studies.

Güven Arif Sargın, Prof. Dr.

B.Arch., M.Arch., METU; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison.
room: 23 phone: (210) 2257 

Personal Blog Page

Fields of interest: politics and space; urban and environmental history and theory; social and political history and theory

Ayşen Savaş, Prof. Dr.

B.Arch., M.Arch., METU; Ph.D., M.I.T.
room: 57 phone: (210) 2240 

Fields of interest: architecture and representation; exhibition and display design; museology; vision and visuality

Ufuk Serin, Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., M.S., METU; M.A., Ph.D., Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana (PIAC), Roma.
room:424 phone: (210) 7289
Curriculum Vitae

Fields of interest: Late Antique and Byzantine art, architecture, topography; landscape and medieval archaeology; history of architecture; cultural heritage; interpretation and representation of material culture

Elif Sırt Çıplak, Specialist Dr.

B.S. EU, M.S., Ph.D., METU
room:- phone: (210)-

Fields of interest: diagnosis of materials deterioration problems of historical structures (Mount Nemrut Monuments and Temple of Augustus), archeological sites (Çatalhöyük), and traditional dwellings; examination of performance characteristics of historical construction materials; methods for investigation of biodeterioration, detection, analyses and evaluation of microbial activity on historical materials, biotechnological methods in the conservation of stone materials (biomineralisation and biological mortar)

Neriman Şahin Güçhan, Prof. Dr.

[Dean of the Faculty of Architecture]

B.Arch., M.S., Ph.D., METU.
room: 412 phone: (210) 6211

Fields of interest: Preservation and rehabilitation of historic sites, Conservation Management, Conservation / rehabilitation of timber framed historic houses, material decay, Conservation education, Accreditation of Architectural Education, Ankara, Southeast Anatolia Project (GAP), Nemrut Tumulus, Adıyaman, Old Greek settlements in Anatolia: Ayvalık (Kydonia), Cunda (Alibey), Kayaköy (Levissi), Şirince (Kırkınca)

Ali Murat Tanyer, Prof. Dr.

B.Arch., M.S., METU; Ph.D., University of Salford.
room: MATPUM / 17 phone: (210) 7274

Personal Webpage

Belgin Turan Özkaya, Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., M.S., METU; Ph.D., Cornell University.
room: 31 phone: (210) 2256
Curriculum Vitae

Fields of interest: Modernism/nineteenth and twentieth-century architecture, Nineteenth-century culture of travel, collecting and display, Twentieth-century Italian architecture, Theories of vision and visuality, Gender theory, Historiography

Sibel Yıldırım, Assist. Prof. Dr.

B.Arch., M.Arch., M.S., Ph.D., METU.
room:  phone: (210) 2262

Fields of interest: vulnerability and risk assessment, disaster risk management of cultural heritage, resilience of cultural heritage assets, world heritage, conservation and management of archaeological sites

Pelin Yoncacı Arslan, Assoc. Prof. Dr.

[Associate Dean]
B.Arch., M.A., METU; Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles.
room: 85 phone: (210) 7284

Fields of interest: Byzantine urban landscape, historical topography of Constantinople, early Byzantine urbanism, mapping and network analysis in the field of digital humanities, 3D digital reconstructions of historical sites, multimedia maps populated with spatial narratives. 

M. Haluk Zelef, Assoc. Prof.Dr. 

B.Arch., METU; M.Arch., AA School of Architecture; Ph.D., METU.
room: 31 phone: (210) 2252

Fields of interest: architectural design and architectural representation; theory and history of modernism and turkish architecture

Ela Alanyalı Aral, Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., M.Arch., Ph.D., METU.
room: 409 phone: (210) 6207 

Fields of interest: architectural design, urban design, public space, sub-spaces along urban roads, creative mapping in architecture, visual structuring of urban form, Phrygian Ankara.

İnci Basa, Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., M.Arch., Ph.D., METU.
room: 25 phone: (210) 2246

Personal Webpage

Fields of interest: production of urban space; urban culture; early republican Ankara, architectural discourse and theory; discourse analysis; language and architecture relationship

Funda Baş Bütüner, Assoc.Prof.Dr.

[Department Vice Chair]

B.LAUD, Bilkent University; M.C.R.P., Ph.D., METU.
room: 24, phone: (210) 2245

Fields of interest: landscape design, urban landscape, urban design, landscape history

F. Cânâ Bilsel, Prof. Dr. 

[Coordinator - Graduate Program in Architecture]

B.Arch., M.Arch., METU; DEA Geographie et Sociologie Urbaine, Universite de Paris X-Nanterre; DEA Ecole d’Architecture de Paris Belleville; Ph.D. Universite de Paris X-Nanterre. 

room: 70 phone: (210) 2218 

Fields of interest: architectural and urban design; theories of urban design and analysis of urban space/form; architectural and urban design in historical urban context; urban sociology, social practices in urban space and everyday life patterns; theories of public realm, public space, spatial practices and collective memory; urban history: late Ottoman and early Republican modernisation in Turkish cities; history of urbanism: ideologies, ideals and models

Hasan Okan Çetin, Inst.

[Assistant to the Dean]

B.Arch., M.Arch., METU.
room: 404 phone: (210) 6203

Gizem Deniz Güneri Söğüt, Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

[Department Vice Chair]

B.Arch., METU; MsAUD, Columbia University GSAPP; Ph.D., METU.
room: 81 phone:  

Fields of interest: Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism, Methods of Spatial Analysis and Imagination, Spatial Agency

İpek Gürsel Dino, Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., Gazi University; M.Arch., METU; M.Sc., Carnegie Mellon University; Ph.D., Delft University of Technology.
room: 85 phone: (210) 7284  

Personal Webpage

Fields of interest: design computing, generative design systems, software modeling and development, building performance, building information modeling 

C. Abdi Güzer, Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., M.Arch., Ph.D., METU.
room: 67 phone: (210) 2212

Fields of interest: architectural design; architectural theory and criticism; education buildings; media; housing

Esin Kömez Dağlıoğlu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., M.Arch., METU; Ph.D., TU Delft.
room: 71 phone: (210) 2215 

Fields of interest: Post-war and Postmodern architectural history, theory and pedagogy, contemporary architectural and urban discourse, basic design education

Zeynep Mennan, Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., METU; CEAA (M.Arch.), Ecole d’Architecture Paris-Villemin; Ph.D., METU.
room: 58 phone: (210) 2228 

Fields of interest: architectural theory; philosophy; epistemology; critical theory; computational design research*

* Epistemic context and historical positioning of digital research in architecture. Formal and constructivist implications and outcomes of research in computational and cognitive sciences and studies on morphogenesis. Theories of complexity and formal hermeneutics. Non-standardization. Extensions of the mechanic and the organic traditions within the digital paradigm and historical continuity with modernist avant-gardes.

Güven Arif Sargın, Prof. Dr.

B.Arch., M.Arch., METU; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison.
room: 23 phone: (210) 2257 

Personal Blog Page

Fields of interest: politics and space; urban and environmental history and theory; social and political history and theory

Ayşen Savaş, Prof. Dr.

B.Arch., M.Arch., METU; Ph.D., M.I.T.
room: 57 phone: (210) 2240 

Fields of interest: architecture and representation; exhibition and display design; museology; vision and visuality

M. Haluk Zelef, Assoc. Prof.Dr. 

B.Arch., METU; M.Arch., AA School of Architecture; Ph.D., METU.
room: 31 phone: (210) 2252

Fields of interest: architectural design and architectural representation; theory and history of modernism and turkish architecture

Bekir Özer Ay, Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., METU.
room: 404 phone: (210) 6203 

Personal Webpage

Fields of interest: Assessing earthquake damage and loss, Characteristics of Turkish residential buildings, Temporary post-disaster shelter design, Tall building structural systems, Selection and scaling of ground-motion records, Seismic interaction of structural and nonstructural members, Seismically isolated structures, Uncertainty in ground motion prediction models, Earthquake caused damage to industrial facilities.

A. Berrin Çakmaklı, Assoc. Prof. Dr.

[Department Chair]

B.Arch., M.S., Ph.D., METU.
room: 24 phone: (210) 2245  

Field of interest: sustainability in architecture, energy efficiency of building materials, life cycle assesment of buildings and building materials, construction details

Ayşe Duman, Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., M.Arch., Ph.D., METU. 
room: 426 phone: (210) 6220 

Fields of interest: construction techniques and detailing; use of non-destructive investigation techniques for building diagnostics and monitoring and in-situ assessment: Infrared (IR) thermography, ultrasonic testing; building materials, their performance characteristics and decay mechanisms

Soofia Tahira Elias-Özkan, Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., M.S., Ph.D., METU.
room: 402 phone: (210) 4236

Fields of interest: recovery, reuse and recycling of building materials; deconstruction; sustainability in the built environment; ethical architecture; building performance simulations.

Arzu Gönenç Sorguç, Prof. Dr.

[Coordinator - Graduate Program in Computational Design and Fabrication Technologies in Architecture]

B.S., M.S., Ph.D., METU.
room: 59 phone: (210) 2232  

Fields of interest: acoustics and noise control, computational design and fabrication technologies, biomimetics and computing, structural systems and design, environmental technologies, generative systems

M. Koray Pekeriçli, Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

[Coordinator - Graduate Program in Building Science]

B.Arch, METU; M.S., Ph.D., University of Reading, UK.
room: MATPUM 16 phone: (210) 7264

Fields of interest: IT in construction, information and knowledge management, decision support systems, social networks and process modelling

Ali Murat Tanyer, Prof. Dr.

B.Arch., M.S., METU; Ph.D., University of Salford.
room: MATPUM / 17 phone: (210) 7274

Personal Webpage

Pınar Aykaç, Assoc. Prof. Dr.

[Associate Dean]

B.Arch., M.Sc. METU; Ph.D., UCL Bartlett School of Architecture.
room: 408 phone: (210) 6205
Field of interest: 
interpretation and presentation of heritage places, culture-led urban regeneration, museum’s role in heritage conservation, museumification, heritage politics.

A. Güliz Bilgin Altınöz, Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., M.S., Ph.D., METU. 
room:409 phone: (210) 6207  

Fields of interest: conservation and planning of multi; layered towns;  Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and heritage information management in conservation of cultural heritage;  urban archaeology; Bergama (Pergamon);  conservation, planning and management of historic urban sites and archaeological sites; utilization of information technologies in different phases of conservation / restoration studies and education

Filiz Diri Akyıldız, Specialist Dr.

B.Arch., Gazi University; M.S., Ph.D. METU.
room: 18 phone: (210) 2230

Fields of interest: conservation theory of tangible cultural heritage, construction techniques and process of traditional dwellings and historic public baths, advanced architectural documentation techniques

Ufuk Serin, Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., M.S., METU; M.A., Ph.D., Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana (PIAC), Roma.
room:424 phone: (210) 7289
Curriculum Vitae

Fields of interest: Late Antique and Byzantine art, architecture, topography; landscape and medieval archaeology; history of architecture; cultural heritage; interpretation and representation of material culture

Elif Sırt Çıplak, Specialist Dr.

B.S. EU, M.S., Ph.D., METU
room:- phone: (210)-

Fields of interest: diagnosis of materials deterioration problems of historical structures (Mount Nemrut Monuments and Temple of Augustus), archeological sites (Çatalhöyük), and traditional dwellings; examination of performance characteristics of historical construction materials; methods for investigation of biodeterioration, detection, analyses and evaluation of microbial activity on historical materials, biotechnological methods in the conservation of stone materials (biomineralisation and biological mortar)

Neriman Şahin Güçhan, Prof. Dr.

[Dean of the Faculty of Architecture]

B.Arch., M.S., Ph.D., METU.
room: 412 phone: (210) 6211

Fields of interest: Preservation and rehabilitation of historic sites, Conservation Management, Conservation / rehabilitation of timber framed historic houses, material decay, Conservation education, Accreditation of Architectural Education, Ankara, Southeast Anatolia Project (GAP), Nemrut Tumulus, Adıyaman, Old Greek settlements in Anatolia: Ayvalık (Kydonia), Cunda (Alibey), Kayaköy (Levissi), Şirince (Kırkınca)

Özgün Özçakır, Assoc. Prof. Dr.

[Coordinator - Graduate Program in Conservation of Cultural Heritage]

B.Arch., M.Sc., Ph.D., METU.
room:408 phone: (210) 6205

Fields of interest: heritage values, heritage and sustainability, heritage impact assessment (HIA), adaptive reuse, approaches and strategies for intervention in heritage places

Sibel Yıldırım, Assist. Prof. Dr.

B.Arch., M.Arch., M.S., Ph.D., METU.
room:  phone: (210) 2262

Fields of interest: vulnerability and risk assessment, disaster risk management of cultural heritage, resilience of cultural heritage assets, world heritage, conservation and management of archaeological sites

T. Elvan Altan, Prof. Dr.

[Advisor to the Chairperson]

B.Arch., M.A., METU; Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton.
room: 69 phone: (210) 2233 

Fields of interest: 19th and 20th century architecture, modern architecture, architecture in late Ottoman Empire and Republican Turkey, social production of the built environment, architectural historiography

Lale Özgenel, Prof. Dr.

B.Arch., M.A., Ph.D., METU.
room: 66 phone: (210) 2235

Fields of interest: domestic architecture in antiquity,  history of house and daily life, housing studies, privacy studies, gender studies, medieval architecture

Ali Uzay Peker, Prof. Dr.

B.A., Istanbul University; M.A., Boğaziçi University; Ph.D., ITU.
room: 319 phone: (210) 6248

Fields of interest: Ancient Mesopotamia, Early Islamic, Seljuk and Ottoman Architecture, Occidentalism and Orientalism in Architecture, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (Baroque and Rococo), Exoticism, Iconography and Symbolism in Islamic and Christian Architecture, Cosmology (ancient and medieval)

Belgin Turan Özkaya, Prof. Dr. 

B.Arch., M.S., METU; Ph.D., Cornell University.
room: 31 phone: (210) 2256
Curriculum Vitae

Fields of interest: Modernism/nineteenth and twentieth-century architecture, Nineteenth-century culture of travel, collecting and display, Twentieth-century Italian architecture, Theories of vision and visuality, Gender theory, Historiography

Ekin Pinar, Assist. Prof. Dr.

[Coordinator - Graduate Program in History of Architecture]

B.Arch., M.A., METU; M.A., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
room: phone: (210)

Fields of interest: history of modern and contemporary art and architecture; cinema studies; site-specific art; museum studies and institutional critique; expanded cinema and moving image exhibition practices and spaces; audio-visual essay and historiography; narrative space; sense of place in cinema, history and theory of animation; gender and sexuality studies.

Pelin Yoncacı Arslan, Assoc. Prof. Dr.

[Associate Dean]
B.Arch., M.A., METU; Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles.
room: 85 phone: (210) 7284

Fields of interest: Byzantine urban landscape, historical topography of Constantinople, early Byzantine urbanism, mapping and network analysis in the field of digital humanities, 3D digital reconstructions of historical sites, multimedia maps populated with spatial narratives.